adventitious • jeong yunho

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ad·ven·ti·tious/ˌadvenˈtiSHəs/happening or carried on according to chance rather than design or inherent nature

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happening or carried on according to chance rather than design or inherent nature.

SUB!Reader + DOM!Yunho
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, groping, marking, creampie, sexual tension, biting, usage of (y/n), pet names/nicknames, making out, dry humping

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"Jesus Yunho, how long did you microwave that popcorn for?" You questioned, the smell of burnt popcorn diffusing through Yunho's cheap apartment. You waited on the couch for your best friend, watching a stupid grin form onto his face as he removed the popcorn from the microwave and dumped it carelessly into a large bowl, a few kernels falling onto the kitchen counter. "Four minutes?" He replied uncertainly, not entirely sure how long he had set the timer for. "God..." You mumbled, resting your head in your hand. "I don't know how you're not dead yet." He didn't reply, his smile only growing wider as he made his way back to the couch with the bowl of burnt popcorn and plopped next to you.
You and Yunho had become friends back in middle school, now attending the same college and spending your free time together. Since the 6th grade the two of you have been inseparable, making it a habit to eat lunch together every day and mess around in the halls whenever you saw each other. He was the type of friend you needed, Yunho's fun and almost puppy-like personality contrasted with your serious nature. He brought out the best in you, always joking about how he knew you were secretly fun beneath your uptight exterior. You loved the way he could bring a smile to your face even during your lowest moments.
Now you had found yourself sitting in his apartment sharing a bowl of burnt popcorn with him on a Friday night. It was tradition for the two of you to watch movies on Friday nights, staying up as late as 4 a.m. picking random movies and sometimes just letting them play in the background as you talked for hours. Neither of you were the best at focusing on one thing for too long.
"What are we watching tonight?" Yunho asks you, taking a piece of popcorn from the bowl and throwing it at your face playfully. The popcorn hit your cheek and you turned your head from the TV to glare at him, little giggles escaping from him at the sight of your expression. "Quit making a mess, dickhead. I'm sure your apartment's dirty enough," you fought back a smile as you threw the popcorn back at him. He threw a small handful in retaliation and laughed loudly as you pouted at him. "Yunho," you sulked, dragging his name out. "How am I supposed to pick a movie when you keep throwing burnt popcorn at me? You know I'm gonna have to clean this up later," you whined loudly. Yunho studied your face with a smile as he felt his ears heating up. "Okay okay, I promise I'll clean this time," he surrenders, his eyes scanning your face. He always secretly found it adorable when you whined or pouted, getting flustered due to the change of tone in your voice. He did anything for you if you gave him a slight pout.
You turned back to the TV and continued scrolling through movies, trying to find something interesting for the both of you to watch. A cold breeze traveled through the air vents, sending chills across your skin. You reached for the blanket that was draped over the back of the couch and used it to cover your bare legs. "Why's it so cold in here?" You mumbled, annoyed. "That's your fault for wearing shorts (Y/N)," Yunho responded cheekily, earning an eye roll from you in response. You had finally agreed on what to watch, some lame spin-off of a popular action movie that probably had terrible acting. You both spent the next 30 minutes trying to focus on the movie but failed miserably by laughing every few minutes at the cheesiness of the acting.
"(Y/N)," Yunho starts quietly, making you turn your head towards him and hum in response. His face almost made your heart skip a beat, the flickering light from the television illuminating his perfect features. His dark middle-parted hair was a little unkempt, and his gentle gaze alone almost made you blush. Having all of his attention on you like that almost caused you to miss what he was saying. "Scoot closer and share the blanket with me. I'm cold."
You sighed loudly. "Aren't there other blankets in your apartment, Yunho? And weren't you just giving me shit for being cold?" You grumbled. Even with your complaints, you moved closer to the other edge of the couch and threw half of the blanket over his lower body. Although you had protested, the slight blush on your face gave away the fact that you were secretly excited to sit closer to him. Your body liked the feeling of being near him, but you'd never let yourself admit it. "Thank you, (Y/N)~" He sang, draping his arm onto the back of the couch behind your head. You said nothing, fighting back the urge to squirm due to being so close to him. You did your best to focus on the movie, but the large presence of your retriever best friend sitting so close to you was distracting. You took deep breaths, doing what you could to calm your pounding heart.
"Let me hold you." Yunho's voice abruptly broke the quiet sounds emitting from the television. You turned quickly towards him with widened eyes, wondering if you even heard him correctly. "This blanket doesn't keep me warm enough," He continues, removing his arm from the top of the couch and snaking an arm around your waist to pull you closer. "Just come here."
You panicked slightly, feeling your face becoming even redder. "Don't pull me so close, Jeong Yunho!" You snapped, flustered from his actions. Your chest was now flush against his side as he held you close with his arm around your waist. He slightly towered over you, making you feel small underneath him. "Don't tell me you're embarrassed," he chuckled at your attempt to convey annoyance, watching the way your eyebrows furrowed. "This is nothing. We literally slept together once."
"Yah, don't say it like that! And that was back in middle school!"
"I held you closer than this back then."
You couldn't believe this idiot was bringing that up. The memory of you and Yunho spending the night together at his house crossed your mind for the first time in a long time. Your parents were going on an outing and had left you there under the supervision of Yunho's parents. You and Yunho had hung out and played games all day, and he had let you climb into bed with him when your eyelids became droopy and fought to stay open. You still remember the way he held you as you fell asleep next to him, the way his arms pulled you close from behind and remained wrapped around your stomach, spooning you for the whole night. You pushed the memory away, turning to make eye contact with a smirking Yunho.
You wanted to wipe that cheeky grin off his face, but you could hardly think with Yunho's face only being a little more than a foot away from yours. You let out a defeated sigh. "You're such a dick," you muttered as you leaned in and rested your head on his shoulder. His breath hitched slightly at the sudden action, slightly turning his body towards you to rest his other hand on your waist, completely having you under his grip. "Sit on my lap," he commands playfully, turning you to look at him. "Let me hold you for real."
"Yunho!" You yelped, still not used to the feeling of his hands on such an intimate place. "Just this once?" He coaxes with a smile, his thumbs drawing circles onto your sides. You knew your face had to be beet red by now. The feeling was making you dizzy, but you loved the way his hands felt and couldn't help but secretly want more. Why was he doing this to you? Without responding, you grabbed his large hands and removed them from your waist, still holding them as you swung one leg around his body to straddle him. He watched your every move, observing the way your cheeks darkened as you tried to avoid his gaze. You released his hands, letting them rest on your sides as you carefully draped your arms around his neck and rested your chin on his shoulder. You were sure he felt your heart pounding through your chest. The sound of his laugh filled your ears as he snaked his arms around you, pulling your body closer to him causing your front to be pressed against his. You held back a whimper as he began playing with your hair with one hand, running his fingers through it a little too frequently for your heart to handle. "See? It's not so bad," he smiles widely. "And now I'm not cold anymore."
"Shut up," you whined slightly. You could practically hear him smirking, making you groan and bury your face into the crook of his neck out of embarrassment. Yunho's heart skipped a beat when he felt your short breaths on his neck, making him breathe a little heavier underneath you. His mind wandered to unholy places as he imagined you kissing down his neck. You felt his hold around you tighten slightly as he kept running his fingers through your hair. You could feel your arousal starting to flow from your heat, your skin feeling like it was on fire as you tried to shift slightly, holding back the urge to squirm too much. Your small movements caused Yunho to let out a shaky exhale as he felt his length harden beneath you. He tried his best to calm himself down, but your constant shifting and your faint breaths on his neck almost made him lose his self-control. Feeling your body on top of his was making him feel things he'd never felt before. He wanted to take your face in his hands and press kisses to your lips and cheeks, slowly making his way down your body...
He shouldn't be feeling this way about his best friend, should he?
"Yuyu?" You called his name, nearly a whisper. "Yeah?" He breathed, feeling even more aroused hearing his old nickname spill from your lips, almost sounding like a whimper. You didn't answer, letting your lips graze his neck lightly. Not really thinking about your actions, you responded by shyly pressing a light kiss onto his neck, causing his breath to get caught in his throat. The sound of your lips kissing his skin made his member shamelessly twitch in his sweatpants. He exhaled sharply, wondering how you could make him this horny with just the bare minimum. He couldn't take this anymore, at this point he was prepared to fall to his knees and beg to touch you. "Please do that again," he urged, almost pleading. You hesitated for a moment before dropping another gentle kiss onto his neck, then another, listening to his unsteady exhales as you began kissing down his neck. You attached your lips to his skin and sucked delicately, swirling your tongue around the sensitive skin before sucking harder. You felt his fingers entangling themselves into the hair at your nape, carefully grabbing a handful. His hips slightly rolled upward towards your clothed core, making you let out a small whine. You removed your lips from his neck with a small pop. You rested your head on his shoulder again as you both listened to each other's heavy breathing, the sounds coming from the TV forgotten a long time ago. "It—It left a mark," you mumbled quietly, barely able to form proper sentences with desire slowly consuming you. You traced over the small hickey delicately with your fingers. "I'm sorry." You felt Yunho's hand on your cheek, pulling your face closer to his and feverishly pressing his lips against yours, kissing you slowly. You kissed back eagerly, butterflies exploding in your stomach and consuming you with a newfound obsession. His tongue slid inside of your cavern, exploring it as he swallowed your whimpers. One hand reached down to grab your thigh, groping the supple flesh and rubbing your inner thigh with his thumb slowly. The action caused you to buck your hips against his erection, making him groan gently against your lips. You detached your lips from each other's, breathing heavily as you met his gaze. Yunho's eyes were darkened with lust, his pupils blown out as he scanned your face. "Jesus (Y/N)," he stammered, almost not believing that he just made out with you on his couch. "Fuck, you make me wanna do things to you but—should we even be doing this? I'm scared I'll ruin what we have," he questions doubtfully, his ears turning bright red. You shook your head in response. "You won't ruin anything," you whispered softly, studying his beautiful features and reaching a hand up to run your fingers through his hair. "If we do this, I won't wanna stop. I mean—I've wanted you for a while, I don't want this to be just a one-time thing. To me this is more than that," Yunho rambled, letting his thoughts flow out without thinking. You leaned closer to him, giving him a small peck. "Yuyu, do you love me?" You asked quietly, watching his eyes widen slightly at your question. "I've always loved you. I just don't think I realized it until recently," he replies after taking a moment to think. "We spend so much time together and it always makes me so happy, I love hanging out and watching movies with you. You always take such good care of me and..." He trails off slightly. "God, when you wear my clothes it does things to me. You look really good in them. You're so pretty," he breathes, adoring the way your face flushed at his praises. You avoided his eyes, too embarrassed to admit your feelings. "(Y/N)," he whispers. "Do you wanna go further than this?" He asks carefully, making sure not to move too fast. You nodded slightly, resting your forehead against his. "If we do this, promise me it won't be a one-time thing," you commanded, reaching your pinky out to him. "I promise you it won't," he assures, locking his pinky with yours and sealing the promise.

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