enmity • choi san

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en·mi·ty/ˈenmədē/the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something

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the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.

SUB!Reader + DOM!San
WARNINGS: possessive sex, oral (f. receiving), creampie, unprotected sex, clit play, clothed sex, marking, jealousy, making out, pet names/nicknames, dry humping, clit play, multiple orgasms, fluff, brief mentions of impregnation

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You felt your body being pinned against the front door as San loomed over your small form, catching you off guard. His expression was dark, his pupils almost swallowing his irises.
You had just returned from dinner, both of you taking time off work for the week to celebrate your third anniversary as a married couple. San had decided to take you on a date to your favorite restaurant. You had worn San's favorite outfit, a ruched bodycon dress in a flattering shade of lilac. It complimented your skin tone and hugged all your curves perfectly. He loved the way it looked on you, and it caught the attention of many others unbeknownst to you. San had been witnessing people in the restaurant staring you down all night as you both tried to enjoy your dinner. Just a quick scan around the large dim room of the restaurant would confirm his concerns, multiple men had craned their necks and shifted their eyes to rudely stare at your form. Even the waiter had been blatantly flirting with you, despite seeing the wedding ring proudly showcased on your ring finger. Poor San had dealt with this all night because of your cluelessness but decided not to bring it up, worried that shedding light on the shameless flirting would make you uncomfortable and want to leave. He would never want to ruin your night, especially the night of your anniversary. He had successfully held his tongue, biting back bitter remarks until the waiter came back with a large piece of chocolate truffle cake, claiming it was "made by mistake."
"It was an extra," the man smiled at you, completely ignoring San's presence. "I thought it would make the pretty lady's night better." Before you could respond, San butted in harshly. "Thanks, put it in a to-go box and bring me the check. My wife and I have plans tonight," he spits, his tone laced with venom as he emphasized the word 'wife.' The waiter nodded slightly in response, his smitten gaze darting away from your face and hardening as he side-eyed San and turned away to get the check. The sight of the waiter made San's blood boil, trying his best to calm himself down and let it go. He kept quiet as he watched you stuff your cheeks full of steak, feeling a bit better studying the way your eyes cutely lit up at the taste.
He was silent during the car ride home, only reaching his hand across the console as he drove to place it on your half-bare thigh, squishing it endearingly and bringing a smile to your face. You still had no knowledge of the reason San was so quiet, shooting him a sweet smile and placing your hand on top of his, enjoying the car ride silently with him.
After you both arrived home, you didn't even take 5 steps inside before you felt San's hands unexpectedly gripping your hips and pressing you up against the front door. Your eyes widened at the action, his perfect face hovering over yours and staring deeply into your eyes with an almost unreadable look. The feeling of his hands over your clothed skin instantly made you heat up, your face turning a slight pink. "S-Sannie?" You started, squirming a bit underneath him. "Is something wrong?" He hummed in response, leaning in to litter gentle kisses onto your jawline. You held back a whimper as he muttered compliments and praises against your skin. "You look so pretty in that dress, baby. You caught everyone's eye tonight," he swoons, his kisses traveling down to your neck and collarbone. You felt your face become redder as all your thoughts left your mind. The only thing you could think about was San. You felt your slick flooding out of your heat, slightly rubbing your thighs together for some friction.
"That waiter was eye-fucking you the whole night baby. Bet he wishes he was me," he pauses to suck harshly on your neck, making you whimper quietly. "But only I can make you feel this way. Not those disgusting men that were eyeing you earlier and especially not the waiter," he hisses angrily, taking a moment to admire the pretty marks he left on your neck. You nod slightly in response, your eyes fluttering shut as the feeling of lust washed over you. He moves one hand down from your hip, grazing down your thigh and snaking his hand under your dress to cup your clothed heat. "You're so wet," he sighs, feeling your arousal seeping through your panties. You moaned at the contact, slightly grinding your hips down onto him to feel more. His fingers rubbed you lightly, sending tingling sensations throughout your body. He tapped your thigh, signaling you to jump. You wrapped your legs around his small waist, his lips attaching to yours in a heated kiss as he carried you to your shared bedroom. He placed your body on the bed, hovering over you and not once breaking the heated kiss. You felt his erection pressing against your thigh and moved your leg up a bit to stimulate him, a small groan coming from him in response. He reached a hand up to his shirt to slowly undo the buttons, grinding onto your thigh as he let out shaky exhales. The sight of him fucking himself on your thigh made you even needier, your hands traveling to your dress to remove it. You felt San grabbing your wrists before you could slip it off, lightly pinning them above your head. "The dress stays, princess," he demands in a hushed tone. "Tonight I'm fucking you in it."
He removed himself from you, letting your wrists go and standing at the foot of the bed. He began unbuttoning his shirt teasingly again, shamelessly staring at your flustered face as you rubbed your thighs together. You watched him strip, sweat beading onto your forehead as you ogled the man in front of you. He unbuckled his belt, letting his pants and boxers pool at his feet. Your eyes traveled to his length. His erection stood tall, the head red and leaking precum. He smirked at your flushed face, coming closer to you again and hovering over you as he pulled your body to the edge of the bed. He hiked your dress up slightly, allowing him more room to caress your skin. He rubbed his hands over your thighs seductively, traveling further up and lacing his fingers around the fabric of your panties. He pulled them down slowly, a string of your arousal connecting to the fabric making him groan at the sight. Kneeling on the ground, he began pressing sloppy kisses onto your inner thigh, making you whimper and grab the sheets below you. He gently pressed his nose against your inner thigh and inhaled deeply, the erotic smell of your arousal making him let out a soft sigh. "You smell so good..." He trails, kissing your thigh once more. You felt his hot breath fanning against your heat, making you squirm and whine lightly. He licked a long stripe up your slit, making you let out a choked moan. He continued licking up and down, his tongue working its magic on your folds. He circled the tip of his tongue around your clit as your body writhed under him. He held your thighs tightly, pinning your legs down and keeping them apart. He sucked harshly on your clit, making you cry out as you felt your orgasm building up. His wet muscle traveled down to your hole, pushing itself in and slowly tongue-fucking you. The lewd wet sounds of his tongue relentlessly violating your hole filled the room, turning you on even more. "S-Sannie, wait," you begged as your hole clenched around him. "Gonna cum..."
He moaned lewdly against you as he savored your taste, the vibrations pushing you over the edge and causing you to clench violently around his tongue. Your cries and moans filled his ears as he lapped up your release, his tongue overstimulating your sensitive core. He cleaned you up, slowly licking up your slit as your legs trembled in his tight hold. "You taste so good princess," he cooed, placing a kiss onto your pearl and making your body jolt. He chuckled darkly at your sensitivity, crawling towards you to hover above you and groping your thighs. "Now," he begins, placing a sweet kiss onto your lips and letting you taste yourself. "I'm gonna fuck you in this pretty little dress."
You felt his length poking against your heat, making you squirm and try to grind down on him. He scoffed at your impatience, slowly pushing in as you both let out satisfied moans. You were so deliciously tight around his aching length, almost causing him to ram into you immediately. You wrapped your legs around him, pushing him deeper and causing him to completely bottom out. He watched your face with a proud expression, loving the way you were falling apart without him doing anything yet. He began moving slowly, fucking you sensually and breathing heavily as your eyes rolled back. Every roll of his hips would hit your sensitive bud, making you moan out loudly. His eyes never left yours, observing the way his beautiful wife's face warped into such a fucked-out expression. Your tight core squeezed around him relentlessly as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. He moaned shamelessly in your ear, making you clench harder around him and snake your arm around to tangle your fingers in his hair. "What is it, baby? Does this turn you on?" He asks breathily, taunting you and smiling at how his noises were making you such a mess. You could practically feel him smirking against your skin, his thrusts becoming harder as you whined loudly in response. "I'm sorry, princess. You just make me feel so good. I want you to hear it, baby..." he chokes out smugly, his lips kissing the shell of your ear gently. "I know you like it..."
He ruts into you faster, moaning louder as he feels your walls fluttering around his erection, signaling your second release of the night was near. "God, you'd look so cute pregnant with my babies..." He muses boldly, your eyes filling with tears due to the overwhelming pleasure. "Can I fuck you full, princess?" You nodded quickly, unable to form proper sentences because of his cock mercilessly fucking your overstimulated heat. His filthy sounds next to your ear and his skilled hips were driving you crazy, pulling his body closer to yours as you warned him. "Sannie, I'm close—"
"Cum, princess. You did so well for me."
Your orgasm enveloped you for the second time tonight, much more powerful than the first one. Your eyes squeezed shut as broken moans and whines escaped from your throat. Your release coated his length, making loud wet sounds as San continued to chase his high. After a few thrusts he groaned loudly, the sound music to your ears as you felt him spill inside you. His length twitched violently as he fucked you full of his seed, his thrusts slowing and eventually stopping. His loud moans turned into soft groans and whimpers as he pressed more kisses against the shell of your ear, both of your chests heaving as you caught your breath. You held each other tightly, San still inside of you as you both savored the euphoric feeling for as long as you could.
"W-Wait," he breathes as he slowly pulls out, both of you letting out soft sighs. He pecks your forehead and slowly stands, stumbling groggily to the bathroom. "I'll be right back baby!" He calls to you from the bathroom as you struggle to keep your eyes open, drifting in and out of sleep. You heard the faint sound of the bathtub being filled with water, the sound slightly muffled due to your dazed state. San made his way back to you, peeling the sweat-covered dress off your body and carefully picking your weak body up bridal style to the bathroom. The smell of lavender filled your nose as he placed you gently into the warm bubbly water. Your muscles relaxed instantly as you let out a sigh of relief, feeling San slide in behind you and pulling you back against his chest. He lathered his hands in shampoo and began gently massaging your scalp, your heart almost melting at the loving act. His actions almost put you to sleep, your eyes closing as he washed your hair carefully. "Thank you so much, Sannie," you murmured, feeling so full of love for him. "I love you so much." He smiled sweetly behind you, his heart swelling with love. "I love you more, baby," he gushed fervently. "Happy anniversary."

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