── ·𖥸· ──

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hello : )
i only have three stories left omg!
i'm sorry they take so long, i've been getting really distracted lately my attention span hasn't been the best
i just rotate between the same three apps over and over again it's seriously not attractive
but yes !
i wrote hongjoong's character this way because he seems to get a bit jealous sometimes, i remember watching a video of him saying something along the lines of "don't go anywhere with my atiny!" and san had to correct him and make him say our atiny 💀
but anyway !
his jealousy is too cute, i just wanted to use it a bit in the imagine
i also heard he has a short temper at times which is cuuute

i'd also like to apologize for my imagines, i know some of them sound really really cliché
like obviously these types of things don't really happen often and it's not really kind of me to fuel others with impossible ideas and fantasies, but at the same time i write these stories because it's so fun to imagine these types of things. like what if this really did happen to me ? how insane would it be if i fell in love with my hot boss and he loved me enough to fuck me over a desk in his office ? LIKE LMAO
the point is it's very fun to imagine things, but please don't let yourself get carried away. a little imagination never hurt, but just make sure you're not reading these stories and expecting them to happen exactly like this !

just a little short rant but anyway !
kim hongjoong ahh !
hongjoongie is so freaking pretty

EVERYBODY SAY AWWWWWWWWWWWWno but seriously ugh he's just so precious he's too cute when he's mad but sometimes he looks intimidating LMAOand omg this picture of him god bless 🥴

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no but seriously ugh he's just so precious
he's too cute when he's mad but sometimes he looks intimidating LMAO
and omg this picture of him god bless 🥴

i physically cannot handle this anymore my lungs are rupturing 🙁i love my captiannnnbut yes thank you for reading my stories and thank you once again for your support ! i am very grateful to everyone who reads these and i will continue to thank y...

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i physically cannot handle this anymore my lungs are rupturing 🙁
i love my captiannnn
but yes thank you for reading my stories and thank you once again for your support ! i am very grateful to everyone who reads these and i will continue to thank you each and every time. you're the best ! : )
next is a seonghwa imagine ! i'll get started on it right away my fellow atiny

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