The start of disaster

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Nezuko's pov

It was around 7am when I woke up. I looked to my right to see my boyfriend sleeping next to me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Then I woke up and walked into the living room where I saw Yuichiro, my boyfriend's brother.

Nezuko : good morning

Yuichiro : good morning

Nezuko : Do you want something for breakfast?

Yuichiro : sure

Then I walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Yuichiro then came to the kitchen as well and sat down at the table. I looked into the fridge and it was almost empty.

Nezuko : the fringe is almost empty. When was the last time we were shopping?

Yuichiro : I don't know... I'll go today I have nothing to do anyways

After I finished making breakfast I placed it on the table and sat down. I was looking at the tv while eating and yuichiro was on his phone.

Yuichiro : Did you hear what's happening in Yokohama?

Nezuko : when I was outside yesterday I hear some people talking about something going on is Yuhohama but don't know what

Yuichiro : check this video.

He said and placed his phone in front of me. It showed two men holding a very aggressive woman. She was making weird noises while she tried to bite others around her. One of the men got bitten and let go of the woman. Right after that she attacked the other men and then the camera men who tried to run away leaving the camera behind.

Nezuko : thats horrible, what was going on with that woman

Yuichiro : I know right, they still don't know what happened to her... also those guys who got bitten started acting the same. They attacked other people and infected them as well

Nezuko : I see...

I said and then heard the door from the kitchen open. When I turned around I saw Muichiro. We all said good morning to each other and me and Muichiro hugged. While we were hugging Muichiro buried his face on my shoulder.

Nezuko : something wrong? When did you go to sleep?

Muichiro : I don't know... around...2am?

Nezuko : and then you are surprised that you are tired. I told you to go to sleep early

Muichiro : I know I know I am sorry

He said as I tip-pie toed to grabbed his chin and kissed his cheek.

Nezuko : don't apologize it's fine

Yuichiro : tsk get a room you two

Nezuko : jealous?

Yuichiro : shut up


It was around 1pm. Me, Yuichiro and Muichiro were sitting on the couch watching tv until Yuichiro said.

Yuichiro : I am hungry

Nezuko : that's nice

Yuichiro : I am actually gonna kill you.

As I said in the morning, someone needs to go to shop.

Nezuko : and that someone is you

Yuichiro : I- right

He said as he woke up.

Muichiro : Do you want me to go with you?

Yuichiro : if you want

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