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Muichiro's pov

Muichiro : Iguro!

I yelled and ran to him. He looked at me as he pushed the zombies away before running closer to me and grabbing my hand. He took me behind the corner and looked behind to see no zombies.

Iguro : God I finally found someone, whe-

He said before stopping and kept looking at my face before backing away.

Iguro : Are you infected?!

He almost yelled as he took out the katana he had on his back. I backed far away and tried to explain but he kept on coming closer and closer. I kept backing away but then I hit the wall. Iguro placed the katana on my neck and looked back at my face as tears filled my eyes.

Iguro : How weird... you have a bite mark on your leg and your face is looking different too... not even talking about your eyes, they look so.. Lifeless and bland... but you're not acting like those other infected fucks...

He said and took the katana away from my neck.

Iguro : Do you remember what happened?

I just shook my head.

Iguro : hmm I see.... How do you feel?

He said and placed his hand on my forehead and then made his way to my cheek. I expected him to say something about my high temperature because I was still sick but no.

Iguro : Just as I thought. Your temperature is really low. Are you cold?

Muichiro : N-No I feel fine.

Iguro : weird... you don't have an urge to bite me, right?

Muichiro : God no!

Iguro : good.... Also, where are others?

Muichiro : I don't know.... When I woke up, they weren't there.... Maybe they left me there because I got infected?

Iguro : Most likely... do you at least know where they could be?

Muichiro :.... Ehm, let me think... Shinobu made a connection with someone and they told her to go somewhere... but I don't remember...

Iguro : You don't remember?!

Muichiro : My mind is so blurry. I don't remember almost anything...

Iguro : At least try!

Muichiro : I am trying!

Makomo's pov

Genya : Are we ready to go?

We all nodded beside Nezuko who just stared at the floor. Her eyes were all puffy and red most likely from crying. She then noticed we were all looking at her. She quickly nodded and looked back at the floor.

Genya : Okay then, let's go.


As we walked everyone stayed silent beside Shinobu who was telling Genya everything that happened when they weren't with each other. I walked next to Nezuko who had her hand in his pockets while looking at the ground. I tried to make conversation with her but he wasn't listening, all she said to me was "hm", but I understand that he needs some time to get over what happened.

Muichiro's pov

Iguro : So? Do you remember?

Muichiro : I do remember something about bridges...but I don't know which one...

Love in the apocalypse |Muinezu|Where stories live. Discover now