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Nezuko's pov

I slammed the door right behind us and we all dropped on the ground panting. When I looked at Yuichiro he looked really annoyed.

Yuichiro : that great now I am all wet

Nezuko : we are all wet so stop complaining

Yuichiro : complaining? How can I now complain?! Do you see what's happening outside!

Nezuko : YES! I know. We all have to go through this. So stop already

3 hours later

We all sat on the ground in silence. Only things that could be heard were groaning zombies outside and rain.

Muichiro : h-how long are we planning on staying here?

Nezuko : I don't know

Yuichiro : I hope not for long. It's cold here Muichiro : a-agree

Nezuko : Where do you want to go then?

Yuichiro : Well, we can text someone if we can stay with them. We can text Makomo. She'll be happy to see you

Yuichiro said as he took out his phone.

Yuichiro : what-... there's no signal... I guess we can just go there, we don't need to tell them.

Nezuko : I guess... but let's just wait until the rain stops We waited for like hour before then rain stopped. I stood up and opened the door to look if zombies are still there. I saw 2 zombies few meters from the door. They were looking at me but were not attacking me. I grabbed a rock from the ground and throwed it next to them. Right when it fit the ground the zombies ran where it made the sound. "It's just as I thought, they can't see us" I thought to myself and closed the door.

Yuichiro : What are you doing?

Nezuko : just checking. I guess we can go now.

Yuichiro : finally

Muichiro's pov

I stood up and grabbed the bag from the ground. I handed it to Nezuko who grabbed it. I started to get worried.... like something bad will happen. I tried to tell it to Nezuko but Yuichiro stopped me and said that he won't spend one more minute here. Yuichiro opened the door and we ran out. We ran for some time and when Nezuko looked behind him he could see four zombies running behind us. He told us to speed up. The thing was, I couldn't run anymore, I tried running faster but I couldn't. Nezuko and Yuichiro ran faster and faster and I couldn't keep up. They started to get farther and farther. I looked behind me and the zombies were getting closer to us. I looked back at Nezuko and Yuichiro and tried to tell them but I didn't. I tripped over something and dropped on the ground. I called for Nezuko but she kept on running. I woke up and tried to run again. Last time I saw Nezuko and Yuichiro was when they turned the first corner. When I turned it they werent there. I tried to run again but I couldnt I dropped on the ground panting. The zombies ran the other way so I could rest for a sec. I looked around trying to find Nezuko and Yuichiro. I didn't see them. Zombies were everywhere so I couldn't scream. I sat down on the ground and pulled my knees to my stomach. I don't even know how long I waited..... but they didn't come back. My vision began to blur and without noticing tears were falling down my cheeks. I was trying not to make any noise but it was hard. I was scared of what would happen... I was worried about Nezuko and Yuichi-

??? : hello? I heard someone say from the right corner. I looked there and backed off a bit. There was a girl with pink hair and green eyes. She walked up to me and sat down in front of me.

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