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Nezuko's pov

Muichiro :...i-is this a...zombie apocalypse?

Nezuko : a zombie apocalypse?.... it would make sense I guess..... let's just stay at home as long as we can... maybe the situation will calm down somehow...

Muichiro : okay then....


It was around 7pm and I was watching tv and Muichiro was sleeping next to me. I was going through the channels and all I could see was what's happening outside. People already suspected that its a zombie apocalypse like Muichiro said, and I thought so too. On every channel they said the same thing "stay at home" and "we will try to do our best to safe every single one of you". For some reason I doubt they will save us before something happens that will make us leave ourselves. I turned off the tv and woke up. I walked into the kitchen and looked into the fridge. Then I thought to myself "oh right...we got nothing to eat" I closed the fridge and looked around to find something. I looked into the cabinet and found some ramen. I sighed with relief that we at least have something to eat. Then I remembered that Yuichiro hadn't left his room in hours. I was a bit worried so I went to check on him. I knocked on his door and waited for answer. When I didn't get an answer I just opened the door and walked in. I saw him sitting on the floor resting his back against his bed. I sat down next to him and asked.

Nezuko : Are you okay?

Yuichiro :..... Yup doing just fine

Nezuko : you dont have to lie... what's wrong?

Yuichiro : It's nothing! stop asking I am fine

Nezuko : Okay then..... also I found some we don't need to leave the house for a couple days I guess.

Yuichiro : mhm

Nezuko : Do you want me to make it already? I mean it's 7pm you must be hungry, right?

Yuichiro : yeah kinda

Nezuko : Okay then, come to the kitchen in a couple minutes.

I said as I woke up. I patted Yuichiro on the shoulder and walked away. I went to the kitchen and boiled some water for the ramen. I sat down and took out my phone. I noticed some texts from my friends, Makomo, Senjuro and Sabito. From Makomo the text said

"Nezuko are you okay?"

"Please answer me!"

"Please Nezuko I am worried"

I answered with

"Yes I am okay I am sorry I didn't answer earlier".

Senjuro and Sabito almost said the same thing, they asked if everyone is okay and if we have enough food to stay at home for long enough. When I answered everyone I made the ramen and placed it on table. Then I went to woke up Muichiro. I sat down next to him and shaked with him slightly. When I finally managed to woke him up, he rubbed his eyes and yawned. "He's so cute" I thought to myself.

Nezuko : Sorry for waking you up but dinner is ready.

Muichiro : dinner? Wait, we actually have some food?

Nezuko : haha of course I found some ramen.

Muichiro : oh I see...

He said and woke up. When we walked into the kitchen Yuichiro was already there. We sat down and ate. There was silence until Yuichiro spoke up.

Yuichiro : hey Muichiro

Muichiro : hm?

Yuichiro : I am sorry I yelled at you

Love in the apocalypse |Muinezu|Where stories live. Discover now