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Muichiro's pov

It was around 2pm. We all ran outside looking for some place to stay at again. It was raining outside and it was really cold. Good thing was there were almost no zombies there. We ran into the building and shut the door behind us. We all sat on the ground and stayed silent. I wrapped my hands around myself. I was shivering. I had only pants, shirt and hoodie on myself and everything was soaking wet right now. I saw Mitsuri walking up to me with her haori in her hand. She sat down in front of me and wrapped it around me.

Muichiro : t-thank you... but... aren't you cold?

Mitsuri : nope! I am fine

She said and sat next to me. I don't even know how long we've been waiting for but the rain didn't stop. Iguro and Shinobu already said that we have to go and not waste time, but Mitsuri said that she dont want to risk anyone getting sick. That its the last thing we need right now. Shinobu then stayed quiet but Iguro kept talking.

"That is true, it's a risk that someone will get sick but we have to keep moving. Soon or later it's going to be cold anyway and someone will get sick anyways." Shinobu agreed and Mitsuri when she thought about it, she agreed also.

Iguro opened the door from the building and ran outside as we followed behind him. The storm seemed to get worse. Some time later we stopped to catch our breath. It was even more cold then last time. Even though Mitsuri gave me her haori I couldn't stop shivering. My immune system sucks too so I know I'll get sick anyways.

Mitsuri : c-can't we just go somewhere and make a fire or s-something.

Iguro : where and how do you want to make a fire?

Mitsuri : I-I don't know.... I just think it would be better than risking someone getting sick. We are really far from our house... We still need to find a place to stay... we can't stay outside at night.

Shinobu : I agree... but there is no way we are making a fire...

Mitsuri just nodded while looking at the ground. All we could do now was find a place to stay at again. We walked around the town for some time until we found a building that we could stay at. When we walked in the first thing we saw was broken door and went we turned the corner there was another one. We just all looked at each other and walked deeper into the building. We walked into the main part of the building and walked to the second floor. We tried to opened the first door that was the closest but it was locked. Iguro tried the second door that was luckily unlocked. We all walked in and locked the door behind us just for sure. I sat down on the floor and pulled my knees to my stomach. In the room there was only a closet and one bed. Iguro layed down on the bed and Shinobu sat down next to him. Mitsuri was just standing there looking at me. She the walked up to me and grabbed both of my hands.

Mitsuri : you are still shaking... let me try to find something

She said as she let go of my hands and then walked up to the closet and opened it.

Iguro : What are you doing?

Misturi : just trying to find something to make him warmer.

Iguro : tsk, do you only care about him or what? You met him like 4 days ago. We are all cold and soaking wet. He's not the only one here.

Mitsuri was just looking at Iguro and then looked at the floor. She then grabbed a haori from the closet and walked up to me. She took the haori that she gave me last time and gave me the new one. I wrapped it around myself as she sat down next to me.

Mitsuri : You can be so selfish sometimes...

Misturi said and looked at Iguro.

Iguro : selfish? Are you serious? I am just saying t-

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