A bite mark

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Muichiro's pov

"N-Nezuko ... " I said and broke down on my knees next to Shinobu who was holding Nezuko .

Shinobu : you know her?

Muichiro : she's my g..girlfriend

Her eyes widened and looked at Nezuko .

Shinobu : I see. Let's just now focus on her health. She's not looking good.

She was right. Nezuko just lay there panting with her eyes closed while sweat was dripping from her forehead. I wasn't sure if she was conscious. Shinobu grabbed a small towel from her bag and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She then handed it to Iguro who went to the bathroom and washed the towel in cold water.

Later I sat inside the room next to Nezuko , just looking at him. I was glad to see him but... seeing her in this state made me sad.. Mitsuri sat down next to me and grabbed me by my hand.

Mitsuri : I told you we'll find her.

She said as she smiled. I just looked at her as much as I tried to smile, my face refused.

Misturi : Are you okay?

Muichiro :... It's just making me sad seeing her like this, I should've been the one protecting her... she must be exhausted...

Mitsuri : aw don't be sad. Shinobu said she'll be fine and that she needs only some rest.

I just nodded and placed my head on Misturi's shoulder. She ruffled my hair and hugged me.


It was already dark outside, so we still stayed in the same building to wait for Nezuko to wake up. The sky began to get darker hour by hour, like another storm will come anytime soon. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Shinobu standing there with food. She handed me the food and sat down next to me.

Shinobu : She's looking way better than when we found her.

Shinobu said as she looked at Nezuko who was lying next to me.

Shinobu : I am sure she'll be feeling much better tomorrow, if not we should stay here for one more night but I don't think that'll be necessary.

She said and smiled at me. I smiled back and took a bite of my food.


It was already dark outside. I couldn't fall asleep even if I tried. I laid next to Nezuko who was still asleep. I felt so relieved to see her again it felt like eternity when I wasn't with her.. I got so used to being with her that doing everything without her feels like it takes ages. I turned on my back to look at the ceiling. I still couldn't stop blaming myself for all that happened...


I woke up to someone shaking with me. I expected Shinobu or Mitsuri but no. As I sat up and rubbed my eyes I noticed who it actually was. Nezuko . She hugged me and I hugged back. My eyes filled up with tears again as I buried my face into her chest.

Nezuko stroked my hair as she said

"I am glad you are okay" I nodded and pulled away from the hug. I wiped my tears and said,

Muichiro : I-I am sorry...

Nezuko : for what?

Muichiro : nothing like this would happen if I would've just protect you and didn't get lost... you looked so exhausted when we found you...

Love in the apocalypse |Muinezu|Where stories live. Discover now