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Shinobu's pov

I couldn't believe that I actually managed to get some kind of connection. I heard someone coming downstairs and when I looked I saw Nezuko with Muichiro behind him.

Nezuko : you're still awake?

Shinobu : Yes! but it was so worth it!

Nezuko : Did you make a connection with someone?

Shinbou : Yes yes yes! They told us to go to the Kimetsu City gate bridge.

Muichiro : Are you sure? M-Maybe you're just tired.

Shinobu : No! I know what I heard .We need to go there right tomorrow!

I said. Nezuko went silent and looked at Muichiro who was holding onto his hand. I immediately known what she's gonna say,

Nezuko : Muichiro is still not fully recovered. I don't want to risk his state getting worse.

Called it.

Shinobu : I knooow but this mind be the chance that someone's mind actually saves us! We need to go there. If someone actually saves us, Muichiro can get even better medical treatment!

Nezuko : I don't know....

Muichiro : It's fine. We can go. If Shinobu thinks that she heard someone that mind save us. I want to go. I have enough of this place. I don't want to deal with zombies anymore.

Shinobu : see? Even Muichiro agrees.

Nezuko : Let's wait for tomorrow. We can then tell everyone. If most of us agree. We'll go.

Nezuko's pov

Me, Muichiro and Yuichiro sat in the living room waiting for everyone to wake up. I was thinking about yesterday. "Did Shinobu really make a connection with someone?" It was hard to believe but I wanted to believe it. It has only been one week since this started and I have enough of it. Makomo walked into the living room and sat down next to me and just a minute later Shinobu ran down the stairs already dressed up. We all looked at her as she walked up to us and crossed her arms.

Shinobu : So? Are we ready?

Yuichiro and Kanao had no idea what she was talking about and I was confused too because I said that we will talk about it today. Yuichiro sat closer to me and whispered "what is she talking about?". I sighed and said,

Nezuko : Shinobu, we said we will talk about it. I didn't say we will go for sure.

Yuichiro and Makomo looked at each other and then looked at us clearly wanting an explanation. Shinobu groaned and sat on the edge of the couch.

Shinobu : So I managed to get in touch with someone. Probably someone who will save us. They told us to go to the Kimetsu City gate bridge. We can get saved and Nezuko is making such a problem from it.

I rolled my eyes and answered with,

Nezuko : I just think that we all deserve a rest, Muichiro is sick and we don't even know if it was someone who can save us.

Makomo : Okay don't fight. Well we can stay here and wait for the help or go there and look for help ourselves. So whoever wants to stay here raises their hand now.

Only me and Makomo raised their hands.

Shinobu : It's decided, let's get moving.

Nezuko : And your friends?

Shinobu : There's a higher chance we will find them if we go out.

She said and walked into another room. Yuichiro woke up and Muichiro followed behind him. I groaned and went up stairs to grab my things.

Love in the apocalypse |Muinezu|Where stories live. Discover now