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Nezuko's pov

Mitsuri : S-Shinobu it's not what it looks like. It's j-

Shinobu : don't come any closer.

Shinobu screamed and blacked away. Mitsuri stopped and touched her nose. Blood. Her eyes filled up with tears as she looked at us.

Mitsuri : n-no it can't b-be...

She said as I pulled Muichiro close to me. Mitsuri looked at me and said,

Mitsuri : I-I don't want to die... Shinobu do something

Shinobu : I don't know what... I am sorry... Now please leave.

Mitsuri : w-what?

Shinobu : I don't want to risk anyone getting infected...

Misuri just stared at Shinobu with tears in her eyes.

Mitsuri :... so this is how you feel... being friendly until I am s-

She didn't finish and collapsed on the floor. Shinobu stared at Mitsuri's body as tears slit down her cheeks. She walked up to her body and said, "opened the door to that room" as she pointed on the door to the storage room. She took Mitsuri's body and walked up to the door as I opened it. She throwed Mitsuri's body on the floor and shut the door immediately. I stared at her with shock and so did Muichiro. She noticed and sighed.

Shinobu : The first day of the zombie apocalypse my parents and older sister got killed. They got infected right in front of me... they tried to infect me as well.... Even though Mitsuri was my best friend.... I will not show any mercy to these infected fuxks..... Now let's find a way to get out of this building. I want to go home.

She said, wiped her tears and began walking to another part of the building. Me and Muichiro just looked at each other and followed Shinobu. We eventually found another way to get out of this building. Shinobu walked out from the building and I did too but Muichiro stopped and looked behind him. I walked up to him and hugged behind him from around his chest.

Nezuko : What's wrong? I said and noticed the tears in his eyes.

Muichiro :...I knew Mitsuri for such a short time but I got attached to her so much...

He said and turned around to hug me, I hugged back and wiped his tears. As I did I could feel his cheeks even harmer than last time. I made my way from his cheeks to his forehead.

Nezuko : Muichiro you are burning up. Are you sure you are feeling okay?

He nodded. Shinobu stopped and asked,

Shinobu : something wrong?

Nezuko : I think Muichiro is sick.

Shinobu : Well yeah I noticed too. I've seen him shivering multiple times even though he was sweating too. He's panting a lot and his cheeks are always red. Coughing and sneezing almost every minute..... How are you feeling now?

Muichiro : E-Em I am feeling okay. Just my head hurts a bit.

Shinobu :... I see... well if you want we can sta-

Muichiro : no no no it's fine. I am not feeling that bad.

Shinobu just nodded and began walking as Muichiro and I followed her. Even though Muichiro said he was feeling okay I couldn't stop worrying. He really didn't look that good. He held his hands close to his body, the tired eyes that had bangs under them and coughing and sneezing all the time. It didn't help that it was still raining.

Muichiro's pov

Even though I said that I am feeling okay, I was struggling to keep myself on my legs. I felt so weak, like I was going to pass out any minute. I heard Nezuko calling my name, I looked at higher, hardly keeping my eyes open. The words were fading apart and the things that he was saying didn't make any sense to me. She eventually grabbed my hand and ran away. I then realized why she was running, I could hear groaning and footsteps behind me. I just assumed there were zombies behind us.... but that wasn't the thing that was bothering me right now. I hardly walked and now I am forced to run. I couldn't run anymore, my legs couldn't keep up anymore and I fell on the ground. Nezuko , who was holding onto my hand picked me up from the front and ran with me on her back . Without realizing everything went black.

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