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Muichiro's pov

It was around 2pm when me, Mitsuri and two other people went with me to find Nezuko and Yuichiro. I felt horrible for making them go with me. I was just looking at the ground trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.

Mitsuri : Muichiro, are you okay? You've been looking sad all day.

Muichiro : o-oh I am... I am fine. I just feel bad for making you go with me. I am nothing but a bother.

Mitsuri : Don't say that! You're not bother at all. I am happy to help you.

She said as she hugged me from behind. It's been almost 1 hour since we started to look for them. Mitsuri still kept saying things like "don't worry we'll find them soon or later". I just nodded and kept looking at the ground. Other people that were with us, their names are Iguro and Shinobu. They went with us because they thought in mind be an opportunity to find some food for them.

Mitsuri : Do you know where they could go? You said you were running to a friend's house, right?

Muichiro : a-ah yes but I-I forgot where it is.

Mitsuri : I see... let's go to the spot where I found you. We are almost there so maybe if we walk around there, you will remember.

Nezuko's pov

Yesterday after looking for Muichiro we went to Makomo's house to stay for the night. Today I decided to look for him again. I tried to stay calm telling myself that he's fine but Yuichiro took it the wrong way, he was really scared about Muichiro. He barely slept last night so I decided to look for him myself. I grabbed some things as well as some weapons. Before I went outside, Senjuro randomly stopped me and said,

Senjuro: A-Are you sure you want to go alone?

Nezuko : Yes, I am sure.

Senjuro: *sigh* okay then.... but be careful please

Nezuko : I will

I smiled and went outside. I closed the door behind me and ran to the town. I was already quite far, I couldn't see a single zombie. I was trying to remember which way we ran. After I ran for some time I stopped to get some rest. I don't know for how long I've been running but I started to get worried. Kimetsu City is so big.... and I don't know where he could be.... I stopped my thoughts when I heard something behind me. I looked behind me and I saw a couple zombies running to me. "shit" I said and began running again. I tried to dodge them but every time I tried and looked behind me they were still there... and more of them. I know I can't run for much longer. I tried to run faster so I have a bigger chance to lose them. Some time later I locked myself in a random building. "I finally lost them. '' I thought to myself and dropped on the ground and tried to calm my breath. "I can't rest... I need to find him" I thought to myself as I tried to wake up but I couldn't. I dropped on the ground again because my legs felt so weak. "shxt" I don't know how long it's been. I sat on the ground trying to stay calm. I started to get more worried about Muichiro. Yuichiro was right... It will take days... weeks... before we find him. Tokyo is so big and we don't know where he could be. My eyes begin to fill up with tears. "N-No I can't cry now! It wont change anything. I can cry as much as I want but it won't bring Muichiro back" I thought to myself and wiped my tears. I woke up and opened the door from the building. "I can't give up. I need to find him"

Muichiro's pov

I don't know how much time has passed. We were walking through Tokyo, picking groceries, killing zombies. I begin to lose hope. Nothing like this would happen is I was this stupid.... I am such a bother to everyone....

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