Wukong smiled, recalling just how small and frail she was back when he first found her.
"Yeah, it sure is something, hops." He hummed in agreement.
Y/n, much to her pleasure, had taken the day off. She slung a bag around her shoulders and hugged Wukong, who was concerned. "Okay, sun screen? Umbrella? You have your towel, right?" He asked with concern, tail swaying to match his energy.
Y/n laughed lightly, hugging him. "I promise I have everything!! I'll be fine, Wu." She reassured. "I'm just gonna go to an isolated beach and practice some of my moves." The rabbit hummed softly, stretching her legs and arms. Wukong sighed, waving at Y/n.
"And be safe!!" He called as Y/n ran off on her Star Steps, making great and inhuman-ly large steps, leaving a small splash of magic stardust or something behind.
She bounded forward. She found out that she could stand in one spot for more than three seconds the hard way-- AKA, she tried to see how long she could stand in one place, and when the dust dissapeared, she faceplanted.
Y/n finally arrived at a rather small island after a small workout. Looks like running back and forth from Flower Fruit Mountain and Megapolis has built up her cardio or whatever it was called.
Y/n sighed, sitting in the sand and feeling the wind in her fur and hair. She flicked down her sunglasses and sat down in the sand with her legs folded under her. She shut her eyes, placing her hands in her lap and exhaling.
Nothing says a good warm up like a good meditation. She exhaled slowly, focusing on the gentle crashing of waves and the caw of seagulls.
The smell of the salty sea and the fresh dirt in the forest behind. The sound of the wind blowing and manical laughter behind her. Wait a sec--
Manical laughter??
Y/n groaned and blinked awake to see Red Son holding something victoriously in the sky. She frowned. "Seriously, hot head, I'm trying to train here!" She called with annoyance.
Red Son continued to laugh, landing in the sand to her left. Y/n's ears tipped downwards and she stood. "Do you mind!?" She called with frustration.
"I, Red Son, have finally found a way to kidnap you and harness your power!!" He announced cockily. Y/n scoffed. "You harness my power?? I can't even harness my power!" She said, waving around a fist.
She recalled just a week or something ago she could barely keep up with that summoning spell. She wasn't sure what it did, but it did something.
Red Son lifted the small object to his lips and blew. Funnily enough-- at first, Y/n hadn't realized she was the one groaning in pain until the ringing in her ears brought her back to reality.
A whistle?? No freaking WAY?? A DOG WHISTLE??
Y/n growled at Red Son the instant he pulled away the small silver tube. "I've been working on this for quite some time!! Not to mention, I amplified its effects to work on your hearing! Isn't it--"
He was cut off by Y/n flicking a small plasma blast at him. Red Son gasped, offended. "Bull Clone!! Grab her!" He demanded, blowing into the whistle again. Y/n yelped, crumbling to the ground. She held her hands against her ears as something pulled at her collar.

Little Bunny || Lego Monkie Kid x Reader
Fanfiction|| LEGO Monkie Kid × Child!Bunny!Reader || In which the rabbit zodiac is actually a living, breathing girl who ages abnormally slowly. Not to mention, she's practically Wukong's young sister and eventually rubs off on the entire gang. What could po...