New Adventures

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"So your saying," Begins Tang as they approach the location of the Ink attack, "You unlocked a cursed scroll and were attacked by Tang Sanzang, Nezha, LBD, and some other demons you've never seen before?" He asks with confusion.

MK shakes his head bandana flailing lightly with his movements. "No, I'm saying we were attacked by Ink versions of Tang San-whatever, Nezha, LBD, and all those other guys you just said." MK corrects.

"And that Monkey King was sucked into an ancient scroll that you found in his room full of junk," Adds Mei, hugging an arm around Y/n's shoulders. Y/n frowns softly, snuggling up to Mei's side with droopy ears.

"And now you're thinking Mr. Tang's gonna use his newfound powers to free our Mystic Monkey," Says Sandy, "Right?"

Y/n nods. "Mhmm," She answers, "That's the plan."

"And, uh," Pigsy begins, everyone's eyes turning to him, "If that amazing  plan doesn't work?" He asks, throwing a skeptical glance at his husband.

"Hey!" Shouts Tang, offended at the accusation that maybe-- just maybe-- he didn't have that much control over her cool, newfound gold abilities.

MK waves a nonchalant hand in the air. "Don't worry about it guys! I figure this is just another cheeky, little adventure! If fighting Lady Bone Demon was a marathon, this is like a-a half marathon. Ideally less, you know?" He laughs, "Short sprint."

Y/n's ears droop furthur, hugging the sides of her head.

"I will not let you take anything else away from me... Not again!!"

She places a hand over her stomach, another tracing the scars along the under of her eyes. Mei glanced down, patting Y/n's head. "It's okay." She whispered. Every single part of Y/n was screaming back at Mei except the physical part.

It's not okay.

My bàbà is missing.

I'm so scared.

It's not okay.
I don't want him to leave me all alone.

It's not okay.

"Okay." Whispers Y/n. "Hey," Calls Sandy.

"Hey, carrots," Calls Pigsy with confusion. Y/n looks over to see Pigsy next to her shrine of Zhu Bajie, Ao Lie, Tang Sanzang, and Sha Wujing. Y/n jogs over, pulling Pigsy back. "It's nothing-- It-- It's just, uhm.."

"I think I found the scroll!" Sandy calls. Y/n's face pales. "Wait, Sandy-- No-!"

She calls just as the scroll drops open. Ink instantly consumes the ground, Ink demons morphing into existence. Her breathing speeds up nervously, eyes watering.

"Alright, Mr. Tangy, you're up!" Calls Mei, shoving forward the scholar. Pigsy's eyes flash over with slight concern for his husband, but it was replaced with confidence. They were married, after all.

"Uh, give our Mystic Monkey back, or you're going to learn why they call me Mr. Tang!" He shouts, voice ever so slightly laced with fear.

"Anytime now!" Calls Pigsy, eyes locked onto the shifting Ink.

Y/n audibly gasps as the ink morphs into Monk Tang Sanzang.

"Your journey is not complete."

Sha Wujing.

"This fool has no strength."

Zhu Bajie.

"Your fear makes you weak."

White Horse Dragon-- Ao Lie.

"You act so recklessly, always bringing your friends into things."

"I-- I'm not so sure my sweet magic moves did the trick!" Tang shouts. "You think!?" Calls Pigsy.

Y/n is frozen in place at the sight of her old comrades, seeing the scroll a little too close to her shrine. Something crawls up her legs which shapes her out of her petrified gaze. She attempts to move, only falling when her furry legs didn't shift the way she wanted them too. "MK!?" She wails nervously.

She looks around, only spotting MK and Mei remaining, with the oynx and jade haired girl being grabbed by MK.

Y/n's arms and bodybegin to be consumed by the ink, eyes flickering in panic. "MK! Mei!" She sobs.

"Wait, hang on!" MK shouts, running around as he tries to figure out how to save her. "Aha!" He pulls out his staff, extending it for Y/n to hold onto. Only her panicked eyes remain.

"No. No, no-- Y/n, hang on!"

"MK, don't leave me!"

"Don't leave me-! Y/n!!"

Y/n.. was gone. They all were.

Just as a sword slices through the ink monsters and seals them away again, MK is standing there with his now-normal sized staff in hand as he stares at where Y/n once was. His eyes water. He doesn't realize he's crying until his tears hit the ground.

Hastily, MK rubs his eyes, sniffing and sucking it up-- like he always did when Y/n wasn't around to talk it out with him.

Wasn't around to tell him that maybe, just maybe, it was okay to cry.

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