Eh, it's whatever. The dream was probably one of those crazy ones anyway. She shrugged it off and turned towards the center of the restraint, standing and stretching with a long yawn.
"Yeesh, how long was I out?" She asked, wiping the tears from her cheeks with confusion. "Was I really crying that much?" She wondered.
"Six more items of power must be collected. And then? We will forge your destiny."
Just before Monkey King left, Y/n approached him. "Hey, Wu?" She asked. Monkey King looked up from his packing. "Yeah, wassup, buns?" He asked curiously.
Y/n fidgeted with her fingers. "Back at.. back there," She said, referencing the Spider Queen's.. events. Monkey King nodded, recalling the scene. Y/n strung up like a bleeding doll..
"Yeah?" Asked Monkey King. "Well.. she said something about.. about a seal? A magic seal? Did... Did you really put one on me?" She asked with confusion. Why would Wu ever be worried about her abilities? The only scenario in which you'd put a seal on something is if.. if it was dangerous.
"Am I dangerous?" She asked. Wukong placed a hand on her shoulder with a smile. "Don't worry, kiddo. I'll never tell you anything you don't need to know." He answered.
Y/n faltered. "But--" She sputtered. "Listen, just-- Just don't think so hard, alright? I'll fix it, I promise." He swore.
Y/n's ears tilted a little more down. "You promise?" She asked. Monkey King's tail swayed calmly.
"I promise."
Y/n was wiping down a few tables, wearing her Pigsy's Noodles branded shirt. She stretched, ear twitching around.
"At least get my good side." Reasoned MK, posing. Mei snapped another picture, looking at it to see Y/n's photo bomb. Mei laughed brightly, showing it off.
MK was in a silly pose with his mop with Y/n holding her damp rag in one hand and a thumbs up in another. They laughed together, and MK shouted in surprise. Y/n yelped at his loud shout, causing her to faceplant into the-- luckily-- freshly mopped floor. She stood back up, wiping off her face with her sleeves.
She tilted her head. "You feelin' alright, kid?" Asked Pigsy with concern.
Y/n sniffed the air. "Monkey King?" Asked MK out loud.
"Ah! Good, at least you're not dead yet." Laughed Monkey King.
Y/n made a noise of realization. "Ohhh! Tell Monkey King I say hi, MK." She requested, going back to wiping fown her table.
Meanwhile, the said bandana kid was caught up in a panic. "Ahh! Dead!?" He wailed, looking at himself up and down before collapsing on the floor.
"What's happening to me!?" MK shouted, flailing around as everyone else watched. Y/n giggled lightly.
"Is this what dying feels like??" He asked with worry. "Don't worry, MK, he's just channeling a thing of telepathy to you through his miiiiind powers!" She informed, using a funny voice.

Little Bunny || Lego Monkie Kid x Reader
Fanfiction|| LEGO Monkie Kid × Child!Bunny!Reader || In which the rabbit zodiac is actually a living, breathing girl who ages abnormally slowly. Not to mention, she's practically Wukong's young sister and eventually rubs off on the entire gang. What could po...