Y/n sunk into the bath with a satisfied purring noise, ears drooping as the servant began to brush them out while Y/n cleaned herself.
Her formal wear hung on a hanger on the closet filled with more silk gowns, but that was meant for tomorrow. For now, the sun sets as the day seeps into the nighttime. Y/n loses track of time throughout the long drying process (fur is so tedious to take care of...) and getting changed into her comfortable night clothes.
"I'm a... cram before the exam kinda guy." Tang says guiltily as he sits back down on the tree root he shared with Mei. His head was wrapped with bandages. "I.. can't even use my powers when I want to!" He says, looking down at the mossy floor.
Mei playfully punches him. "Welp, might wanna get crammin' there, cram boy!" She teases, clicking her tongue and shooting finger guns at Tang.
Y/n peeked out of her door, looking for a visitor she had expected earlier. He must be taking a bath, too...
Her ear twitched and nose scrunched as a scent entered her nose again of metal and cold mint. She turned to see the General in front of the hall. "GenGen!" She whispers. "Hello, your highness. It is to my understanding that you should be asleep." He teases lightly.
Y/n frowns. "I'm.. waiting for someone."
"Would that someone be your Papie?" He asks. Y/n lights up, stars in her eyes and fur swirling around. "Have you seen him?" Asks the young girl. The General's grin turns a little more.. genuine?
"Why, of course! Well, I must be on my way. I hope you enjoy your father's bonding time, your highness!" He calls as he walks off down the hall. Y/n's eyes follow him and she doesn't notice her father coming up from behind her until he scoops her into his arms.
Y/n squeals, feet kicking happily as her Papie turns her around and they nuzzle noses. "Hi, sunshine." Greets Tùzhi. "Hi, Papie! Is it star-time now?" She asks. Tùzhi hugs her before nodding. She gasps excitedly, hopping out of his arms and towards her bed.
Y/n leaps under the covers, snuggling in and hugging her teddy bear, Leafy. Tùzhi sits in the chair next to her bed, his rabbit legs and lop ears glowing not unlike Y/n's own fur. "Alright, you ready?" Asks Tùzhi. Y/n nods excitedly, her grip tightening on her teddy bear.
"Wait-!" Y/n cries just before Tùzhi starts. "What's wrong, starshine?" He asks with slight worry. "Where's màmà?" She asks. Tùzhi sighs in relief, having thought something was wrong.
"She's already asleep, don't worry." He reassured, petting her. Y/n nods and settles back down. "Okay, okay-- I'm ready." She says with a smile. Tùzhi smiles back at his little girl, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath.
He exhales and when his eyes open, galactic clouds spawn in the room and swirl around the two. Y/n's eyes shimmering in awe, while Tùzhi's eyes were completely galaxy-like, with no pupils or anything. "Once, there was a rabbit." He begins.
Just as he said, a small rabbit created itself from a cloud, hopping around on Star Steps. Y/n giggled as it hopped above her, some of the stars dissipating on her nose and cheeks. "He was a very mischievous rabbit, and always stole from the garden he wasn't supposed to go in."
There was a fence. The rabbit looked around before crawling underneath and running to a different scene of what looked like endless fruits and veggies. "He went inside every single day, barely making it past the farmer who wanted to kill him for stealing so much. The rabbit was very maddened by this, for it was his land in the first place."
The farmer stands over the garden door, waving a pitchfork and pantomime yelling. The rabbit crosses his arms, foot thumping against the invisible ground. He runs away, leaving an angry farmer in his wake.
"The lonesome rabbit decides to run off, away from the garden to find a new home." Explains Tùzhi. Y/n's eyes widen a little bit. "Did he find one?" She asks softly.
"I'm getting there, sunshine." Chuckles her papie with a kind smile.
"A culinary chef who's skills are unrivaled!" Tang says, truly just describing his husband at this point to Zhu Bajie. "They say Dao Xiao Mao courses through his veins, and he walks this mortal plane with one sole purpose!" Tang says dramatically, a smile on his face, "To follow the code!"
"Wait, wait, wait-- What code?" Asks Zhu Bajie with confusion, eyebrows knitted together. "The Chef's Code," Answers Tang, light catching the reflection of his glasses, making them light up white.
"Always leave your customers.. satisfied!!"
Y/n watches the story, almost as if she were hypnotized. Her tail wags a little bit as her papie continues. "The rabbit ran, and ran, and ran. But he could not find any land or any food. He was stranded, and far from home."
The rabbit looks around nervously, the lonely creature shrinks back, crying against a tree trunk.
"Then, he cried. He cried until his eyes ran dry. He was alone all his life, but he's never felt so lonely."
Y/n's eyes widen a bit in shock, ears tipping back in worry.
"Suddenly, a noise."
The rabbit looks up, ears twitching as it listens for the source.
"One by one, rabbits just like him peeked out. Slowly, the rabbit began to feel hope as they approached him."
The rabbits slowly hop towards the newbie, sniffing him and waving hello. His tail wags, and slowly, everyone else's tail wags, too. They hop around happily, dissapearing through the bushes. The rabbit follows.
"He chases the rabbits as well, before coming upon a clearing. Everywhere, there's fruit and veggies and grass and nuts and all the food he could eat." The hungry rabbit smiles, hopping into the sunset with his fellow bunnies.
"He learned that even in the darkest days, there would always be hope to guide him. The end." Ended Tùzhi, dissipating the galaxy clouds and his eyes fading back to normal.
He looked down at his daughter, who scored quietly. He leans over and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Goodnight, starlight." He whispers, leaving her to rest for tomorrow.
Pigsy swings his nine-toothes rake towards the angry customers, the broth and noodles flying into each of their mouths and literally stunning them at how good it was.
"Heh," He chuckles, spinning his rake before resting it on his shoulder. "Another satisfied customer." He says proudly.
MK looks to the side, Monkey King's voice still ringing inside his head.
"mk....""save her."
MK exhales shakily, having a faint idea of who 'her' is. He just.. hopes they're not too late.
Now... to find Sandy!

Little Bunny || Lego Monkie Kid x Reader
Fanfiction|| LEGO Monkie Kid × Child!Bunny!Reader || In which the rabbit zodiac is actually a living, breathing girl who ages abnormally slowly. Not to mention, she's practically Wukong's young sister and eventually rubs off on the entire gang. What could po...