"Admittedly, this isn't an unforseen adjustment.. but a useful one nonetheless!" LBD laughed.
"It turns out fate has delivered my child.. earlier than expected." She hummed.
"But-- But they were winning! They were beating yo--" MK is cut off by his own yelp, stumbling back a few feet and clutching the sides of his head at how his mortal body refused to mix well with the Lady Bone Demon's power in the vicinity.
"Kid!" Shouts Monkey King with worry, unable to decide between running to MK or Y/n.
He took a step backwards as Y/n fell to the ground, landing on her feet. "Haha! Oh, sweet child.. perhaps now you finally understand how pointless all your efforts to stop me truly are." She hummed with a mocking tone.
"Not even the Great Sage could stop me." She pointed out. "The Samadhi Fire will be mine. And I will use it to recreate this imperfect world!!" She shouts.
"Kid-!" Monkey King shouts, leaping over and tackling MK out of the way just as Y/n appeared, moving faster than the mortal eye could see. Her leg dug into the ground, creating a large crater with a dazed Nezha taking most of the hit for the others.
"Wait! Wait, wait! Y/n! Y/N!" MK pleads, reaching towards his little sister as Monkey King pulled him away and out of there. He exhaled softly, furrowing his brows as he traveled to a safe spot he knew where a fire powered duo might be residing in.
Y/n stared at where they left with her black and blue eyes. They began to gloss over with tears.
It's so cold.
Is she floating?
I'm in my body, but.. I can't see.
I can't see. I'm scared.
I'm scared.
Help me.
I don't want to die.
Pigsy groaned after he, his husband, and his fellow veteran had fallen down a large hole, landing in some sort of library.
"Ah! My TEA!" Sandy cried in despair. "Why do I break all the things I love? Not to worry! 48 or so hours of tinkering and she'll be up in no time!" Sandy reassured.
"48 hours!?" Shouts Pigsy, flailing his arms. "We gotta find Mei now!"
"Guys, look!" Calls the swine's husband. They look over to Tang, staring at statues.
"Is that.. Monkey King?" Asks Pigsy with surprise lacing his voice. As they walk over to examine the stone art, they see a figure next to him on his platform. A blanket was wrapped around her shoulders, wind blowing through her hair and ears up in bravery.
"Y/n!" They shout in surprise. "How old is that kid anyways?" Pigsy mumbled in confusion.
Monkey King collapses on the floor in a crash landing, cushioning MK's smaller body with his softer one.
"MEI!" MK celebrates as soon as he recovers, glad at least one of his friends was okay.

Little Bunny || Lego Monkie Kid x Reader
Fanfiction|| LEGO Monkie Kid × Child!Bunny!Reader || In which the rabbit zodiac is actually a living, breathing girl who ages abnormally slowly. Not to mention, she's practically Wukong's young sister and eventually rubs off on the entire gang. What could po...