Great Grand Dragon of the East

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Quick recap: They're in the ship at the bottom of the ocean.

Guess who can't swim?

That's right. Y/n. Tang, too, but at least he could doggy paddle.

Y/n is clutching onto Monkey King, shivering. Tang popped out of the water that was about waist deep. "We're alive.." He realized before lighting up in joy. "We're alive!!" He cheered, swinging up his arms as his voice echoed around the cabin.

However, he gasped in fear as the windows began to crackle and fracture, letting more strong streams on saltwater in. "Maybe hold that thought?" Asked Mei before yelping in surprise at a fish being launched directly towards her head.

"Oho," Pigsy chuckled nervously and sarcastically, "We finally get away from Macaque, and now we all get to drown!"

Sandy smacked himself in realization as the Dronecopter's status screen lit up with 'CRITICAL FAILURE'. "The drone!" He said as he had the epiphany, "It's not water-adventure friendly!" Moe looked at him with worry over his shoulder, tail flicking anxiously.

MK stood up, shaking the water out of his hair. He looked towards Sun Wukong. "Monkey King! You've gotta do something!"

Meanwhile, Monkey King was chilling, using the salt water to scrub dirt off of the underarm of his tunic. "What?" He chuckled, "A little water never hurt anybody-!" y/n slapped his shoulder, frowning as the water's level continued to rise.

Her ears pressed against her head, she held her jacket tight around her body. "Ohhh! Right!" He winced, rubbing his arm and sitting up. "Mortality."

Then, a red light began to flash. "What's that?" Asked Mei with fear, looking around. A large silhouette swam in front of the windows, making Y/n scoot behind Mei and grab her sleeve nervously.

"Something big!" MK shouted as the alarm flashed. "Relax!" Laughed Monkey King. "I'm pretty sure this is just an old friend of mine come to help out!" He reassured, watching the silhouette come ever closer to them.

Y/n's grip on Mei's sleeve grew impossibly tighter. Large, purple eyes stared through the window, followed by a large mouth.

"Actually.. 'friend' miiight be a stretch." Wukong hummed nonchalantly.

They all shrieked as they were thrown into a giant, underwater airbubble into the sea. Y/n quickly shook the water off of her fur, glaring at the water around them. "Curse you." She grumbled with a huff.

Mei placed her hands on Y/n's and MK's shoulders as the others awed about the large palace and very rich-looking setting.

"The Dragon Palace of the East Sea!" Mei cheered. Y/n's ear twitched and she looked to Wukong. "You didn't tell me you were friends with someone other than the gang!" She hummed. Wukong shrugged. "Weeell..." He trailed off just as Mei laughed out; "We're in the Dragon Palace of the East Sea!!" Mei cheered.

"Yeah!" Confirmed Wukong. "This is my kinda-sorta old buddy's house! This is where I got my staff." He spoke.

Y/n's ear twitched again. "Now that I think about it... how did you get your staff?" She asked, earning a nervous laugh from Wukong.

"Got your staff? Or..?" Pigsy trailed off knowingly. "Right. You took it?" Asked MK before sighing. "Oooh, boy." He sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "Oh, look! Here he comes!" Wukong realizes as the two doors open.

"Smiles, everyone, smiles!" He reminds playfully before turning to the elder in front of them. "Heeeey! Ao Guang!" Greeted Monkey King happily, "How's the time goin'--?"

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