Pig Pong Panic

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He chuckled, lifting the mirror towards him. A sharp-toothed skeleton reached for the mirror, making his gasp in shock. He looked back where the reflection was, only to see the young girl in its place.

He broke out in a nervous sweat as the girl took the mirror from his hands. "May I?" She asked as she took it, her polite voice dripping with venom.

She walked over to the Cauldron, dropping the demon revealing mirror into the bright blue concoction brewing inside.


Y/n walked into the room with her shrine, smiling at the painting of her friends. She fluffed up the pillow, kneeling down on it. She bowed her head, inhaled deeply, and began to pray in silence.

The sound of bells rang through her ears and she opened her eyes for them to shine a bright golden color. Her ears twitched and she looked around to see Wukong sitting cross-legged. "Hey, carrots." He greeted.

Y/n grinned and stood, sitting in front of him. "Hi, Wu." She said in return. She leaned her elbow on her knee and her cheek on her palm. "So." Wukong started. "I.. Guess you've been wondering about the seal." He spoke.

Y/n lit up and nodded. "Yes! Yes, I have been, you stupid monkey!" She sighed, exasperated, "I've been wondering since Macaque, idiot!" She whined, raising her hands in the air for emphasis. Wukong sweatdropped, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Heh.. yeah, so..." He sighed hands falling into his lap. "Okay, here's the deal, when I tell you, you can't freak out, okay?" The golden illusion asked.

Y/n nodded nervously. Monkey King pulled out a scroll from behind him, holding it up so that it appeared in front of him. Y/n frowned in confusion, seeing just.. an illustration of a large silhouette with rabbit ears. It had a strange, circular symbol different from the seal that covered her chest whenever she overused her abilities.

The circle was surrounded in fire, and the silhouettes eyes were wide open. It had four arms, and looked to be vary large.

Wukong shut the scroll. "Back with.. Back with Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and all the others, there was a demon attack. Now, at first, it seemed normal, an average, strong demon. And then, he asked for our help.

It was weird, but we couldn't just say no. He needed help sealing away a fire. An old, old fire that was insanely strong." Y/n nodded with furrowed brows.

"Now, Zhu Bajie and I were the only ones there, along with you. We had to go back, get Sha Wujing, Bai Long Ma, and Tang Sanzang back to a mountain. I-- I don't know if you remember, but an even stronger demon showed up. Zhu Bajie and I, we.. We had a hard time dealing with it. Then, you freaked out."

"Woah, woah, woah, wait." Y/n interrupted with confusion. "I freaked out?" She asked. Wukong sighed.

"Yeah. You just-- freaked out. The demon was gone the second you began to scream. And then we brought it up to Tripitaka, and he just suggested we put it off. Just until we help out the demon with the fire.

And, we did. Well-- we tried. We did... seal it. Someone got hurt with it, but it's fine!" He chuckled nervously after Y/n gave him a pointed look.

"Listen, point is, when we tried sealing it, I, uh... I screwed up, okay? And then... And then you freaked out a second time, but-- worse? I can't... I can't go into details, but long story short, we ended up having to place a seal on you that day." Wukong confessed.

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