Smartie Kid

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Y/n hated heat.

Maybe that was obvious from how she was sweating buckets, though. Her ear twitched as she tried to enter her meditative state, but it was hard to focus with all these heat waves.

"Yo, blue thing, wanna crank up that AC, brother?" Monkey King asks, meditating with ease next to Y/n.

Y/n huffed, ears tilting back.


She mumbled, recalling the words from her book.


She continued, furrowing her brows before completely relaxing. She telaxed, keeping up her position next to Monkey King, floating an inch or two off of the ground as she silently meditated.

Her ear twitched at the sound of bells ringing.


Y/n's eyes opened again, this time completely swallowed in that galactic swirl from many times before. They fell shut again and the dim glow began to grow a little brother to match Wukong's aura.




Keep still.

She repeated, feeling herself be moved by a presence.


"I bet the power of family!" Shouts MK with determination, throwing thier most valuable weapon into the mix.

Y/n furrowed her brows in focus, inhaling deeply and sighing softly ad Mei made her go upright after being tossed onto the pile of junk.

All this for an engine?


Y/n yawned, cracking an eye open, seeing the night sky peek through the windows with MK's, Tang's, and Pigsy's snoring ringing through the air. She yawns, turning into her bunny form and scratching the back of her ear.

The mammal shook off dirt from her fur, climbing into a sleeping Monkey King's lap. She curled up, sighing happily as a paw came up and scratched just behind her ears. She rolled onto her back, stretched out comfortably.

[This one is super short, but I promise this'll only happen for filler episodes! Lore eps with most definitely have around 2000 words ♡♡♡]

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