Running, running, running.
It's all she remembered. She saw her Papie's lips moving, but she couldn't remember what sound they made. She remembered the distinct, sharp twang of blood in the air, the scent tearing through her sensitive nose.
Her bunny ears pressed against her head as she held onto her sprinting father. "Papie..!" She cried in fear, hiding her face. More indistinguishable sounds, and then.. nothing.
Everything else was forced out of her memory, never to be brought up ever again.
"Papie!! Please, don't leave me alone!"
"You are my shining star,
A cry caught his attention. His ears twitched and his tail flicked. At first, he thought it was from a nearby village, but then it just wouldn't stop.
The previously meditating simian-- or at least he tried to meditate but failed miserably-- groaned and stood up from balancing his tail. "Okay, what's goin' on?" He sighed. His light, rusty-colored and furry tail swayed behind him as he walked deeper into the forest and further from his allies. "Don't go too far, Sun Wukong!" Called a male's voice.
"Yeah, yeah, no worries, scholar!" He called back to the infamous Golden Cicada. Not a moment later, his comrades' laughter filled the air, probably another one of Zhu Baije's stupid jokes or whatever.
He walked up to the crying before coming across a wooden crate with a girl no older than 4. He blinked and the child stirred. She sat up, rubbing her (e/c) eyes. However, her puffy cheeks and reddish eyes from crying isn't what caught his eyes.
It was the fact that there was, like, a small galaxy within her hues of (e/c). Or, at least, it started out as (cool/warm/neutral) (e/c) and then faded into cooler and darker tones with silver and white flecks among them as you looked closer to the pupil.
Another thing that was rather eye-catching was the fact that the girl literally had two bunny ears and the lower half of a bunny. He tilted his head, tail flicking curiously. He walked up to the girl, sniffing her. "Uh. Hi." He greeted, startling the younger.
She scooted further back into the crate, wrapping the blanket over her head. "..Hi." She whispered.
"What's your name?" Asked the Great Sun Wukong. The young girl shook her head, not really helping her already-messy (h/c) locks. "Papie says I'm not allowed to talk to strangers." She said curtly, tilting her head up. She scrunched up her nose for a moment before it relaxed and did it again, as if it were twitching like an actual rabbit's.
"Well, I'm Sun Wukong, the Great and Handsome Monkey King! Not strangers anymore, huh?" He asked cheekily. The young girl eyed Sun Wukong and shook her head.
"...I guess not." She agreed hesitantly. "My name is.. My name is (Y/n)." She stuttered nervously.
Monkey King smiled. "Now what are you doin' out here all alone, bud?" He asked curiously. (Y/n)'s rabbit ears fell backwards and pressed downwards. "I-..." She began, thinking.
"I don't know.. I don't remember. I think... I think papie said he wasn't gonna be here anymore. 'M sorry.." She apologized, only to earn a headpat in return. "No worries, bud! We'll figure this out, after all, I'm gonna be the world's best Monkey King!" He said confidently.

Little Bunny || Lego Monkie Kid x Reader
Fanfiction|| LEGO Monkie Kid × Child!Bunny!Reader || In which the rabbit zodiac is actually a living, breathing girl who ages abnormally slowly. Not to mention, she's practically Wukong's young sister and eventually rubs off on the entire gang. What could po...