🍀Herb and Red Velvet🍀

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I was reading Herb Cookie's story and I thought of since he treats all living things as precious and the cakes are living things... does that mean Herb is ok with the cakes?
Anyways here is some platonic bonding time with Herb and Red Velvet

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Herb is currently walking through the forest with his favorite plant. He admires the nature that surrounds him. Herb got a bit tired and found a place to sit down. He relaxes and enjoys the moment of being surrounded by nature.

Something then rustled in a brush near him. Herb looked towards the sound and found six cake hounds had jumped out. Any normal cookie would have either ran away or it fought them, but Herb just sat there and watched.

"Well aren't you some cuties," Herb said, getting the attention from the cake hounds.

The cake hounds gave a low growl when facing Herb. They tried to scare Herb, but he instead grabbed a stick and waved it in front of them.

"Do you want to play?" Herb asked the cake hounds.

The cake hounds' eyes lit up and instantly became friendly. Herb chuckled and tossed the stick. The cake hounds went after to chase the stick. Then one returned with the stick and placed it in front Herb for him to toss it again. And he did just that.

Herb played with the cake hounds for a while. Probably for many hours, before they started to get tired. They went to Herb and curled next to or on him. Herb pet to cake hounds and they all then took a nap.

"You all are just so cute, I don't get why everyone is scared of you all," Herb said to himself.

"At least some cookie sees the cakes as equal," a voice called out.

This startled Herb as he looked around for the voice.

"Above you," the voice said.

Herb looked up and saw a red cookie, with a cake arm, standing on a tree branch. They dropped down and walked towards Herb.

"Why hello there," Herb said, greeting the strange cookie.

"State your name," the cookie demanded.

"Well my name is Herb Cookie," Herb answered, "what is your name?"

"Red Velvet Cookie," the cookie answered.

"Nice to meet you Red Velvet," Herb smiled.

"So, do you believe the cakes deserve a place in this world?" Red Velvet asked.

"I think all living things should be able to live freely without judgment," Herb said with a warm smile, "honestly I think the cakes are misjudged,"

"They are and I'm going to prove that the cakes are like any other living creature," Red Velvet said.

"I hope you succeed with that," Herb said, wishing him luck.

Red Velvet smiled and sat down next to Herb.

"I like you, you're the first cookie that I've met that doesn't see the cakes differently," Red Velvet said, turning his head to face Herb.

"Really?" Herb responded.

Red Velvet hummed in response as he nod his head.

The two talked for some time. Talking about the cakes, different types of plants, and just talking about random things. Red Velvet felt like he was making an actual friend.

"Hey, Red Velvet?" Herb said.

"Yeah?" Red Velvet responded.

"You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but are you a cookie or a cake or are you both?" Herb asked.

"I guess you can say I am both," Red Velvet answered.

Herb nod, "sorry if that was too personal,"

"It's fine," Red Velvet said.

There was silence for a bit.

"Can I touch your cake arm?" Herb asked, breaking the silence.

"You want to... touch it?" Red Velvet questioned.

"Sorry if that sounded weird!" Herb quickly apologized.

"I don't see a problem with it," Red Velvet said as he moved his cake arm towards Herb.

Herb carefully touched his arm. It was surprisingly soft, softer than his own dough. Then again it's cake. Herb then examined the stripes and marks on it. Herb than finished examining his arm, Red Velvet pulled his arm back.

"It is very unique and different. Makes you stand out," Herb said smiling.

"Thank you," Red Velvet said, feeling accepted.

"It's my pleasure," Herd replied.

The cake hounds woke up and went to Red Velvet.

"Well I guess I should now," Red Velvet said standing up.

"I agree," Herb said getting up as well, "wow I didn't realize it was that late,"

It was starting to get dark.

"You should probably leave soon, it gets dangerous at night," Red Velvet said, picking up the cake hounds.

"Will you be safe?" Herb asked, a bit worried.

"Oh I will," Red Velvet said.

"Well I hope we can meet each other again," Herb said, getting ready to leave.

"Can we meet back here tomorrow at noon?" Red Velvet asked.

"Sure, I'm not busy tomorrow so it can work," Herb responded.

"See you tomorrow, bye," Red Velvet said walking off.

"Bye," Herb waved.

The two parted their ways and walked off. Herb made a new friend who is both a cookie and cake, and Red Velvet probably made his first ever friend. They both look forward to their next meet up.

The End

Now I can actually see them being friends... or lovers, either way I see it working lol

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