🍭Dark Choco X Milk🍭

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This was requested by @Velina_crk (during the time I screenshoted it but it is now iminsideyourfloor)
Even though this a ship I'm kinda questionable with, I wrote it
Soooo I hope you enjoy


Milk and Purple Yam were traveling through the forest. It was getting late and they were trying to find a place to rest.

"This should do, RIGHT?" Purple Yam asked, already getting annoyed.

"Hmmm... I guess this shall do," Milk said, setting his milk mace and shield down.

Purple Yam sat down and Milk looked around the area before sitting down too.

Milk then sighs, "I wonder when we will encounter Dark Choco-"

"Milk, if you tell the story again I'm bashing you over the head with my mace!" Purple Yam said, grabbing his mace.

Milk laughed.

The two sat down, resting for a bit. Then after a few minutes they decided to finally get a tent set up. Purple Yam went to go get firewood, while Milk stayed and kept watch of their area.

Milk walked around until he heard a low growl. He turned to face the sound but couldn't find anything that could match the sound, that was until he took a step forward. The growling got louder as Milk stepped forward. Milk stopped and soon some pink pollen got sprayed in his face. Then the growling went away.

"What was that?" Milk asked himself as he tried to brush some of the pollen off his face.

"That was a strange plant," a voice called out.

Milk looked around hearing the voice, "who said that?"

"Over here," the voice said as a figure jumped down from the trees.

Milk turned around and saw a darker cookie. That cookie, without him knowing, being Dark Choco. Milk didn't recognize him.

"Oh hello, I'm Milk Cookie" Milk said, greeting the cookie, "so you know what that plant was?"

Dark Choco nods. Milk then noticed the pink pollen on his face.

"So it got you too?" Milk questioned.

"Yeah and that's bad," Dark Choco said.

"How so?" Milk asked, slightly tilting his head.

"The plant's pollen, when inhaled, makes you feel... things. And if you don't find someone to get rid of it... you will die," Dark Choco explained.

Milks face turned red, "and you need someone? Like doing it yourself isn't an option?"

"Yes, you will need someone," Dark Choco said.

"Well I don't want you or me to die soooo?" Milk said, wondering if it's ok.

Dark Choco nods, consenting.

"Well then!" Milk's face was red as a beet, "I have a tent set up so we could do it in there, but we'll have to be quick or my friend will be mad"

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