🍭Carrot x Licorice 🧸

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This was requested by gaggirldumbass521
This was interesting to write :)
Hope you enjoy

Veggie Thief

Carrot is a busy cookie during the day. Doing her chores around the farm along with her friend and helper Beet. It's the evening and the sun is setting. Beet was at the market selling any of the extra crops they had. Carrot was finishing up when she heard some noise.

"Now who or what is messing with my crops?" Carrot asked herself.

She walked over to the noise, pitchfork in hand. She used her pitchfork to move some greenery which caused her to poke something.

"Ow!" The voice of a cookie yelped as the pitchfork poked them.

"Show yourself, veggie thief!" Carrot called out to the cookie.

"Ok ok," a cookie wearing a raggy like robe got up and rubbed their back. They also held onto something about the same size as them but it was covered so Carrot wasn't sure what it exactly was.

Carrot looked at the cookie, her eyes went up and down as she examined the cookie.

"Licorice?" Carrot questioned.

"Oh hey Carrot," Licorice said awkwardly.

"Were you gonna steal my carrots again?" Carrot smirked.

"Maybe," Licorice mumbled.

"Well you know the rules if you want any of my crops," Carrot said.

"Yeah yeah, I know," Licorice rolled his eyes.

About thirty minutes later Licorice was on the ground, with his robe sleeves rolled up, digging holes and placing crops in the holes.

"Ughhhh, I hate this," Licorice whined like he was a child.

"Just gotta finish up with this and we'll be done," Carrot said.

Licorice sighed and continued to dig holes until he made a pain sound and held his hand

"Are you ok?" Carrot asked with concern as she noticed blood started to drip down his hand.

"I think I cut myself..." Licorice said, trying to fight back tears.

"Oh goodness, come lets get that hand healed," Carrot said, getting up and helping Licorice up.

They both quickly head inside Carrot's house. Carrot led Licorice to her bathroom and he sat down, trying not to cry. Carrot noticed this and held onto Licorice's hand.

"It's ok to cry, sweetheart," Carrot said softly.

Licorice began to softly cry.

"How bad does it hurt?" Carrot asked while grabbing cotton balls and hydrogen peroxide.

"Very bad," Licorice choked on his words.

"Alright, well I'll need to disinfect it and it will sting like a bitch," Carrot said.

She sat next to Licorice and placed him on her lap. He is very light for his size, which is concerning. Carrot poured some of the hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and grabbed Licorice's hand.

"It's gonna sting and if you need you can bite my shoulder and hug me alright," Carrot said, putting Licorice's head closer to her.

Licorice put his mouth on Carrot's shoulder and wrapped his free arm around her.

Carrot gently dabbed the cotton ball on Licorice's wound and a muffled scream escaped Licorice's mouth. He bit down on Carrot and tightened his grip on her as she continued to disinfect the wound. It hurt Licorice and Carrot knew that.

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