🧸Vampire x Herb🧸

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Thie was requested by Galaxy123Stories
Yay two of my favorite characters :D. I added some hcs to this so yeah. Also there is technically some smut in this, it's just not like how the other smut chapters are all. It's kinda subtle(?) and not too up in your face
Hope you enjoy :)

Peaceful Love

The moon was out and Herb laid in his garden. It was a peaceful night and Herb liked it, he has been asleep for a few hours now. As he slept on the grass a cookie walked into the garden. The cookie chuckled and floated over to Herb.

"Heeeeerrrrbbbyyyyyyy," The cookie chimed.

Herb shifted and opened his eyes. He rubbed them as he adjusted to the darkness.

"Vampire?" Herb yawned.

"Yup," Vampire giggled, "sleeping outside can be a bit dangerous though,"

"My plants protect me," Herdb chuckled.

"Can we go inside, it's getting cold," Vampire said, picking up Herb.

"Yeah sure," Herb said, resting his head on Vampire's shoulder and wrapping himself around him.

Vampire floated inside Herb's house. It's an average sized house, a two bedroom house with a basement. Herb lives alone, or used to, and he uses the extra room and basement for storage for all of his plants that he can't sell, need extra care, and/or that are out of season.

Vampire floated to the door that is Herb's room and opened the door. Vampire set Herb on his bed and got on the bed too. Herb covered themselves with the blanket and Vampire was quick to snuggle into Herb.

"You smell nice, darling," Vampire said, rubbing his face into Herb's neck.

"Hehehe that tickles," Herb giggled.

Vampire snuggled his face more into Herb's neck just to hear him giggle. Which Herb gave.

"You really smell nice. What were you doing today?" Vampire asked, smelling Herb's scent.

Vampire does have a higher keen sense of smell than the other. He really likes how Herb smells. Herbal and flowery. Vampire sometimes will smell the leaves on Herb's head when he passes by him. Herb doesn't mind it either.

"Well I woke up, took a shower, got changed, went to the flower shop, sold some flowers, went to my garden, and took a nap," Herb said, describing his day.

"You smell more flowery, what flowers did you work with?" Vampire asked, continuing to smell Herb.

"Basically all the flowers I have," Herb said.

Vampire hummed and pulled Herb closer to him. Herb's scent was extremely comforting for Vampire. He fell asleep as Herb's scent infiltrated his senses. Herb smiled as he ran his fingers through Vampire's hair. Herb closed his eyes and fell asleep too.

It was 10 o'clock when Herb and Vampire fell asleep. So it was odd when Herb woke back up at 1 in the morning.

Herb sat up and checked the time. He silently groaned as he was incredibly thirsty too. He swung his legs off the bed and stepped down, only to hear some odd noise.

Herb looked down and saw Vampire on the floor where his feet were. He quickly got off Vampire and quietly left his bedroom. He entered the kitchen, got a cup and filled it with water. He quickly drank the water and set the cup down.

When Herb returned to his room Vampire was now in the middle of the floor. He kinda looked dead. Well he technically partly is. Herb stepped over Vampire and headed to his bed.

Vampire then grabbed Herb's ankles.

"Ah shit!" Herb screamed and jumped.

"Sorry, didn't mean to spook you darling. But you kinda woke me up by stepping on my back," Vampire chuckled.

"How did you even get on the floor?" Herb questioned.

"I don't know myself, but it's pretty comfy down here, come join me," Vampire said, reaching his hands towards Herb.

Herb chuckled and laid down on the ground with Vampire. Vampire rolled on his side and pulled Herb closer.

"Nighty night" Vampire said as one of his hands rested on Herb's hip.

Herb pet Vampire's hair as Vampire snuggle into his neck. Vampire's hand traveled down Herb's hip to his butt. He smirked as he gave it a squeeze.

"V-Vampire," Herb said embarrassed.

"I couldn't help it darling, your butt is so soft and squishy, " Vampire chuckled.

Herb giggled as Vampire kissed his neck, while still squeezing Herb's butt. He licked and sucked it, making sure to leave a hickey.

"Can I bite you?" Vampire asked, wanting to make sure it was ok.

"Mhmm," Herb hummed and ran his fingers through Vampire's hair.

Vampire carefully sank his fangs inside Herb's neck. He loves the taste of Herb's herbal blood. He let go and bit somewhere else.

It first started as a romantic make out session and then became sweet love making.

Vampire held onto Herb as he worked gently and lovingly with him. Slow enough to give Herb a good time but not enough to have him dazed. They began to exchanged sweet compliments to each other and kisses.

"Oh how I would love to get lost in your gorgeous eyes, darling," Vampire said as he placed a hand on Herb's face and placing a kiss on his lips.

"I could just kiss you forever with your soft lips," Herb reached over and gave Vampire another kiss.

"I can be kissing you forever trying to kiss all of your freckles," Vampire said, kissing one of Herb's many freckles.

"You are my sunshine and I can stare at you all day without my eyes hurting," Herb planted another kiss on Vampire.

"Oh I'm not that bright," Vampire chuckled awkwardly.

"You are to me," Herb smiled as he held onto Vampire even more as he snuggled his face into him.

Vampire held Herb's hips down as he had now released inside him. Herb didn't mind it as he liked feeling warm. Vampire let go of his hips and wrapped his arms around Herb's back, pulling him as close as he could.

They didn't say anything and just embraced each other with their love. A sweet smell emitted from Herb's leaves. Vampire rubbed his face all against the leaves to get that sweet scent. He loved it, he loved most of the smells Herb's partly plant characteristic body gave off.

Vampire was first to fall asleep, with Herb shortly after. It was peaceful and sweet.

Just how they like things.

The End

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