I can't tell if Jiada really likes me, or if she despises every inch of my being. Some days, I get the feeling she doesn't want anything to do with me at all, but then days like today, she laughs at my jokes and seems really cool. It's even more confusing because she asks Lillian and I if we want to go get coffee before classes start. I don't mind the idea of getting to know Jiada better, so I agree to meet them, even though Carmen wasn't invited.
    We decide to walk around downtown so Jiada can show us all the cool spots she found last year. She points out the coffee shop we're headed to, but not before showing us the nearest yoga practice and best boutiques. I learned Jiada started dancing later than most do so it sounds like she used to be a normal girl before this. Regular life always made me curious. What is it like to not have every second of your day geared toward one sport? Although the thought of walking around a store aimlessly to spend money on something you're only going to wear once doesn't sound at all entertaining, the energy from the people does. There is constantly stuff going on here. Now that I live in the big city and seeing more of it first hand, it is an eye opener to so much more than I thought it was.
I look around to find individuals hustling to get across the street to their destination, some are whistling for a taxi and others have their faces stuffed in their phones. Groups of girls chatter along and business men look like they're talking to themselves because they have AirPods in. The energy is constantly moving here, flowing in and out of the people who pass us on their way to continue on with their daily lives and routines.
For a split second I almost feel as if I'm missing out on something...
When we get to the coffee shop we all order and take a seat farthest from everyone else so we have some privacy. Since I don't like coffee I sip on my tea instead.
"What are you doing?" Jiada glares at me, stopping my next bite of salad mid way. "You're going to get bloated if you drink while you eat."
I'm not sure Jiada is the best person to be taking nutritional advice from seeing as I've watched her eat the tiniest pieces of her açaí bowl, chewing each bite for way longer than necessary. She is small, which we all are, but I want to be strong at the same time.
"She's right," Lillian chimes in, "she showed me that trick when I first got here. Such a life saver."
"Totally." I take a sip of my water.
"There are so many hot dudes here." Jiada eyes a group of guys out the window.
"Maybe if you stare longer they'll come over," Lillian teases.
Jiada laughs, pointing out someone else. "I'd rather have him."
I look in that direction and spot a group of guys jogging. "Are you kidding? They look way too old for you." I give her a warning glare.
"Exactly." She slaps my arm playfully.
    "When do you guys think they will post the leads?" Lillian asks.
    "Hopefully soon," Jiada replies. "It's killing me not knowing what they're thinking."
    "I'm so nervous. What if I don't get a part?"
    "Don't think like that."
    "Yeah," I add, "no matter what at least you know you gave it your all."
     Jiada sighs. "I don't know. Carmen looks good this year. She may just be the lead in everything after seeing how the instructors look at her. She does one full développé to her ear and they practically bow down at her feet."
    "They do like her..." Lillian shrugs with defeat.
    "What is she like, Avery?" Jiada asks. "You're her roommate, right?"
    I look between the two of them as they lean in close as if I have all the gossip in the world to share. "She's... I don't know... she's fun, and wild, and confident. She's Carmen. I like her."
    "You obviously haven't heard the rumors then."
    First Alister, now Jiada. What is up with this rumor situation? "I don't know about the rumors. I'm just going off of my interactions with her."
    "Even I heard," Lillian starts. "She scares me."
    "Me too. I'm steering clear of her at the showcase. Wouldn't want any accidental broken bones."
     Lillian scoffs at that then says, "Careful, poison is the woman's weapon of choice."
     This is stupid. "You guys know this is based off of nonsense, right? They're rumors for a reason."
    "Not when there were witnesses. Lawless himself saw the whole thing. He didn't report her but everyone knows what he knows. I don't know why he's protecting her."
    "Well I wouldn't believe everything you hear."
    Jiada's eyes scan my face. "I heard you went out with her the other night. Is that true?"
    "Yes, but it wasn't a big deal."
    "Careful," Lillian eyes me. "She may be purposefully throwing you off your game."
    I roll my eyes at the audacity of these girls. They have no idea what they're talking about or how detrimental conversations like this are to Carmen. She's a good person who doesn't deserve the amount of naivety these girls are falling into.
    Jiada looks bored until she asks, "Wait, so, where did you guys go out?"
    "It was a bar around the corner from the academy, I'm not sure what it's called."
"Yuck... I heard that place serves minors."
"Unfortunately, it does." Cooper comes to mind. "We went and saw a band. They were really good. It was actually fun to dance somewhere other than a studio."
    "Were there cute boys?" Jiada asks. I'm starting to get the sense she may be a little boy crazy. Or maybe she is just being normal and is bringing up topics typical girls talk about. I imagine boys are the center of a lot of discussions. Even Carmen likes her girl talk about them.
    "There were some."
    "Yeah but they're all probably too drunk to stand up straight, let alone be a good dance partner," Lillian wonders.
    "Not all of them..." At least not in my experience.
"You're right," Jiada sucks her coffee. "It's fine. You can have those nasty dudes Avery, we have plenty of this." She glances at some guys who are eyeing our table.
"No thanks." I look away with disinterest. "Big, burly frat boys aren't my thing."
"What is your type?" Jiada asks.
"I don't know.. nice, cute, funny-"
"You mean lame?!" She teases, but I ignore her. 
I honestly haven't been in a relationship since high school. I really don't even count that. I've had my fair share of hook ups but nothing ever got serious because dance, obviously.
    "Hey, not every nice guy here is lame." Lillian eyeballs Jiada.
"Like you would know! You've been here for all of what, a week?"
    "Whatever. It's not like I'm looking."
    "Me neither," I say.
    "You're just saying that because you're super focused on your first year. Trust me, things are different in second. You have no idea how fun it can be." Jiada raises her eyebrows suggestively.
    I can't tell if Lillian is worried or if slightly worrisome is her resting state of expression.
"Don't listen to her," I try and console her. "Boys are bad." Not that I have a lot to say on the subject. Jiada may turn out to be right. It's funny because her and Carmen act like they despise each other when little do they know they are way more alike than not.
"So I take it you two aren't seeing anyone right now?"
My answer is a quick no.
We both look to Lillian who is uncharacteristically quiet, pretending so badly to be interested in her coffee instead of the question.
"What?" She twitches.
"I asked if you have a boyfriend," Jiada reiterates.
Lillian shrugs, but not casual enough, she's clearly hiding something.
"Oh my gosh! You're such a bad liar. Who is he?"
    "How am I a liar if I haven't said anything?"
    "Just tell us, we want to know."
    "I'm not allowed to."
    Jiada side eyes me because that answer is weird. "You're not allowed? Says who? The guy?"
    Lillians shoulders tug up. "I can't say. He's older."
    "Lillian!" Jiada teases. "I'm so proud."
    "You don't think it's a red flag that he doesn't want you to tell people about the two of you?" I ask, worried.
    "He's a private person, so no, I don't think it's a red flag."
    "Okay... just make sure you're being safe and if you ever need us, we're here."
    "Yes. You can talk to us." Jiada more so only wants the gossip.
    Lillian seems more wary than ever. I hope she knows I am being sincere. We may not know eachother that well yet but eventually we will and I want to be here for anyone who needs it.
    "This was fun." Jiada takes one last minuscule bite of her now melted açaí. "We should do this again. What do you think?"
    "Sure." I follow them to dispose of our trash. "I'm up early every morning so just let me know."
    Jiada smiles at me, but I'm unsure whether she's being genuine or only offering to hang out so she can somehow get ahead. She seems like the 'keep your friends close but your enemies closer' type. If anything it should definitely make class more interesting.

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