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Cooper shuts the door to the bedroom behind us. It's basic and only lit by a small lamp with the head of it pushed up so it's flashing to the ceiling.
    "Is this your room?" I marvel at the emptiness of it. Just like my dorm at the academy there aren't any personal touches.
"For a little over a month, yeah."
    A little over a month. Is that how long until he moves into the next city with those groupies following right along? "Does it get tiring moving from place to place so often?"
"Sometimes." He leans against the dresser. "Usually it's every other weekend so being here has been a good break."
"I'm sure the groupies appreciate it too." The snark is out of my mouth before I can stop it and now it's hanging like a dark awkward cloud between us.
Cooper cocks his head with an amused expression. "That wouldn't be a hint of jealousy I detect in your sweet ass tone is it?"
I shrug, remembering our conversation about his jealousy earlier. "I'm a girl. I know how girls think."
    His gaze shines as if he likes this game. "And how do you think, Avery?"
    "That your irresistible and a hot guitar player and any girl would literally die to have you."
"This is only our first date. Getting a little ahead of yourself are we?"
    "Ouch." My chest aches.
    "Hurts, doesn't it?"
    "I'm sorry I said that. Forget about the groupie comment, too."
    "Already forgotten." He pushes off and comes to me. "Thanks for the tatt. It may be my new favorite one."
    "Never." His hands brace my neck, tilting my gaze up to him.
    "What's a masochist?"
    He pauses but not from being startled or thrown off. A sly grin moves across his lips before he darts his tongue out to wet them, ever so slowly moving closer. "You really want to know?"
    "I think so."
    He leans to my ear, brushing his mouth in the sensitive spot that has my toes curling in my sneakers. "It's someone who finds sexual gratification through pain," he whispers. Uh... I'm not sure how to feel about that. "Does that scare you?" He kisses the base of my neck and pulls back to look at me.
I shake my head, more intrigued than anything by his confession. I won't pretend to be adventurous when it comes to pleasure but he definitely seems like the type. I could've guessed but hearing him say it out loud...
    "So, you're turned on by pain?"
    "I can be, given it's the right timing."
I pinch his bicep between my fingers, watching for his reaction. He laughs, "You'll have to do more than that."
I pinch him again, this time harder. He only laughs, an amused look crossing his face, until it darkens. He reaches for my hand and places it over his chest, lining my fingers up with his nipple. Anyone else and I would burst out laughing at what he's insinuating but with Cooper... I find myself wanting to do it if it will get the reaction I'm looking for.
Looking up at him through my lashes I roll my thumb and pointer finger until it hardens and then I pinch with a pressure only someone who finds pleasure through pain would appreciate. He answers with a low groan as we sweeps his mouth to my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck and press onto the balls of my feet to make it easier for us to come together. All I know is every ounce of self control I'm usually so good at relying on around Cooper vanished with that sound. I like the way it reverberates through my core, lighting me up. I want more of them.
Feeling brave I whisper, "What else?"
"What else what?" He licks up the length of my neck.
"What else turns you on?" I ask through a burst of adrenaline.
"You." He doesn't hesitate to answer. "Watching you dance."
"Like the night we first met?"
"Exactly like that."
"I liked that too; the way you were looking at me."
"You should dance for me again... right now."
I push back to look at him. "Right now?"
The thought of dancing for him again is tempting enough I may just do it but, "There's no music."
"I've seen you dance without music."
"That's different. Dancing at the bar was carefree. I was dancing to the music, not making up movements to memorize."
"Okay then, I'll give you music." He takes out his phone and connects it to the speaker on the dresser. "How does this make you feel?"
The beat is soft, melancholy, but enough twist and tang for me to do something with. I have no idea where this side of me is coming from but I trust where it's going with him, with Cooper.
   He stands in front of me but I back him up until he hits the bed and push him down so he's sitting on the edge. I move my hips in a provocative way, stirring and swaying, turning and swirling. The look in his eyes is warm and everything but hollow. Pupils are blown out. Lips are hung. Gaze is heavy. I give him a lap dance in the sweetest most teasing but sexual way I can.
I smile when the song is over, cheeks flushed, almost shy about what I just did. I rest my hands on his shoulders and straddle him matching my gaze with his. His hands lay on my thighs, finding their way up my skirt but his fingers twitch as if he's waiting for permission. Giving it to him, I lift the hem of my sweater and toss it to the floor. He scans my body, stopping at the tiny bow at the center of my bralette. He grins and fingers it, realizing it clasps right there in the front and unclips it. He hisses with satisfaction when it loosens, falling away and exposing my chest. His hands fit around my waist as he runs his thumbs up the front of my ribs. Tan skin and tattoos are a stark contrast against my porcelain complexion. But they look good on me.
His thumbs push up and over the sensitive buds of my nipples that harden with his touch. It fills me with so much pure ecstasy I rest my hands back against his knees and let my head drop back, arching into his mouth as he gently replaces his thumbs with his tongue. He licks and swipes as I moan. As if taking this for the permission he needs he lifts me up and sets me on the bed with ease, resting my head on the pillow.
He hovers above me, between my legs, looking. "You're perfect." He bends to kiss my belly button. "Absolutely fucking perfect."
    Cooper sits up on his knees and pulls his shirt off from behind. Tattoos of all shapes and sizes and designs and scrolls and lettering are plastered across his chest but his stomach his completely free of ink. I smile at him like this: hair crazy, loose jeans hanging at his hips, tattoos on full display, the way he is looking at me...
    He goes straight for my skirt, bunching the waistband and grabbing my underwear with it. "Lift your hips for me, baby." I do as he says, then I'm completely naked.
    Now that we're here and about to do this some alarm goes off in the back in my head. Not because I want to stop but for so many other reasons. Like this is only our first date, am I really going to sleep with him so soon? And then I don't know the last time I even slept with anyone do I remember how? Which is the most irrational thought but still valid. And most importantly, when was the last time he slept with someone?
    "You okay?" Cooper draws me from my thoughts.
    I nod with a shakey presence he doesn't seem to like because he stops unbuckling his belt and lays next to me, adjusting the covers of the blanket so we're underneath them. I already feel ten times better.
    His finger traces a long sensitive line down my arm and over the hump of my hip, stopping there. "Do you want to stop?"
     "No... I was just... thinking."
    His sigh is low but enough for me to catch it. I don't want him to be annoyed with me. "You're always thinking."
    "I can't help it."
    "Can I ask what you're thinking about without you saying 'everything' and then not filling me in?" He's been paying attention. "Tell me what's going on this pretty head of yours," he whispers.
    I meet his gaze, not wanting to leave him hanging in this moment of all moments. I trust him enough to get this far, I need to trust him enough to tell him what's going on. "I... don't want to stop. But I also don't want to disappoint you."
    "How would you possibly do that?"
    "I haven't had sex in a while. Even then it was far and few between."
    "Why would that disappoint me?"
    "Because." I adjust my head on the pillow. "You probably sleep with new girls all the time. Girls who are confident in what their doing-"
    "I'm not going to lie and say it's been a while for me too but those girls aren't you. In literally any fucking way."
"I know..." I hide my face in his chest. "Did I just totally ruin the mood?"
His kiss to my forehead is the most reassuring gesture. "We can go slow. If you want to get dressed I'll drop you back off right now. I'll even close my eyes while you put your clothes back on," he huffs out a gentle laugh.
"I don't want to go yet." Even though I should take him up on his offer and go home to prepare for class tomorrow. "This is nice." Laying here with him, vulnerable and exploring each other, it allows my usual focus and worries to melt away. It's like the outside world is gone and we're in an impenetrable bubble. Now I just have to stop overthinking like an idiot and let him lead. Go with his flow.
I press my hand against his chest, looking up with a newfound confidence. "Let's keep going."
"Yeah?" I don't miss the excitement that flares in his eyes.
    "Yeah." I kiss him, immediately opening my mouth for him to take. The hand he has on my hip reaches around the back of my thigh and hitches it up over his waist causing us to come torso to torso with a sigh and moan.
    His mouth works it's way down my body with a torturous method. Licking and sucking and nibbling as he disappears under the blankets and wraps my leg around his face where he finds me slick with arousal. I move my hips into him, wrapping one hand against the headboard for support and the other in his course bleached blond hair. Remembering what he said he likes, I pull, hard, earning a low groan deep from his throat and a different type of whip from his tongue. I arch my back from the sensitivity of his touch but he holds my hips firm forcing me to stay within reach of his mouth.
    The moment I come undone I ride his face and pull harder at his roots, seeing stars from the pleasure. 
    He flips me onto my back, rising from the covers and letting them fall behind. My legs are splayed open, exposing every soft and vulnerable part of my body for him to take. He admires the view with a sinful grin before getting up and grabbing a condom from his dresser. On his way back to the bed he strips his pants and then he's before me again, not taking his eyes off my body as he uses his teeth to rip open the wrapper. My gaze floats between his legs. This view of him is immaculate. And I know continuing this with him is about to be the best decision I've ever made.
    When he lays over me on his elbows, he takes his time to place soft pecks on each of my cheeks, over my eyes, my nose, my chin and my forehead. I wrap my fingers through his hair, memorizing the color of his eyes, knowing I'll never be able to look at the sea without thinking of him ever again. He holds eye contact as he pushes into me. We both try our hardest to enjoy the moment but the feeling is so much for us both we have to break away into a fluttering mess of alleviated sighs. He pulls my legs to his chest, putting me into a position at his complete mercy.
    I pull at his hair, drawing out a deep growl. "That feels good," his voice is clear as day. "You feel good." He rests his head on my chest and I hug my arms around his shoulders as he picks up his pace. "So fucking good."
    He could have kept going for hours I'm sure, but when I'm close to coming undone again he gets the hint and rocks faster. I think it may be my nails dragging down his back that clues him in, or the rapid rise and fall of my chest, or the fact that his name comes spilling out as a moan, but he lets me ride out my high until he pulls out and finishes himself.
    I've never orgasmed twice like that in a row... ever. I don't even think what I was doing before was orgasming. What I just felt... in my body and my freaking heart... that's never happened with anyone. Cooper just unlocked something. I don't know what it is but I could do it over and over and over if it weren't for the heaviness of my eyelids threatening to shut.   
    My body is spent. It's tender and satisfied beyond words but utterly unable to do anything but allow him to curl me into his side so we can both wind down. We breathe and breathe until it's silent and I only feel the heat from our bodies as he pulls the blankets over to conceal us and holds me tight to his chest, his erection still pressing against my back and my desire aching for more... somehow.
    His lips pressing a kiss to my shoulder lull me to a welcomed sleep.

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