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I wondered what Carmen could have possibly meant when she said that all intense like she did, but the moment I walk through the door to the performing arts party... I understand completely. It's a madhouse in here. Unlike any party I've ever been to, not that there are many to compare this to, but still.
    There are characters and artists of all kinds, singing and dancing and playing an instrument at every turn. It's like we're walking backstage of a talent competition as the performers prepare to go up next. This party is like a jack-of-all-trades type. There's even a group of mimes and a magician.
The first thing Carmen and Harry want to do is get drinks so I follow them to the kitchen. I refuse any and all offers of alcohol, especially when Carmen promises it will be fun. I tell her I don't need to be wasted to have a good time. She lets up after she can't think of a come back, becoming busy by pouring her own drink. Lillian and Alister didn't want to come to this party and honestly neither did I, so I'm hoping when Cooper shows I will be able to pep up. Carmen and Harry are clearly here to get drunk and hit on cute strangers so until then, I'll just keep to myself.
We sit on the couches and join a group listening to a girl freestyle. Everyone egg's her on when someone pops in to beatbox for her, making sure to clap on count to give even more of a background beat. Ive been overwhelmed since we first got here but after watching several of the performing arts students do there thing in this lively circle, I'm more relaxed. They seem so care free and fun. The academy is nothing like this.
    I'm laughing along with everyone at the dig a stand up comedian takes at Harry's cat shirt when Carmen leans into me. "Where's your boy?"
A strange tingling pops like firecrackers up my fingers at the thought of Cooper being mine in any sense of the phrase. I don't want her to get the wrong idea so I say, "He's not my boy. But I gave him the address at rehearsal, he said he would be here."
"Can you do me a favor?"
She pushes her red solo cup into my hands. "Can you please get me more?"
"Me? I don't even know what you like."
"I like everything!"
"Seriously? Why can't you do it?"
    She glowers from underneath her lashes. "Did you see the over extension I had to push my poor knees through to please Lawless today?"
    "I did." I don't know why I always notice Carmen feeling like she needs to prove herself to Lawless, but I do feel bad, she worked hard today. "I'll be right back."
    "Thank you!" She sings after me.
    The many liquor bottles scattered throughout the kitchen are intimidating. I know what they each are but I don't know what tastes better as a mixer. Hopefully Carmen is okay with jack and cranberry, she did say she likes everything.
    "I thought you didn't drink."
    I look up to Cooper standing on the other side of the kitchen island. He's wearing a black leather jacket I've never seen him wear before. It fits him snug in all the right places. And his hair is styled different, more placed, less mess. I like it both ways but this is giving me the vibe he tried a little harder to look good tonight.
    "Hey!" I greet him with a surprised grin. "You made it."
    "I've never been late before have I?" He walks to where I'm at. "Seriously, you're not going to drink that are you?"
    "No, it's for Carmen. I don't really know what I'm doing."
    "Are you trying to poison her?"
A laugh sputters out of me. "No."
He grins. "You should use this instead." He leans across for the bottle of coke.
He smells good, like sweet-tarts.
"Can you do it for me?" I hand him the Jack Daniels and solo cup. He over reaches and ends up grazing my hand, leaving a stain from his energy lingering there.
He makes the drink within seconds, grabbing a beer for himself and popping the lid off on the counter. He leans back casually and I watch his Adam's apple move as he swallows. For some reason he is so attractive to me right now and I can't stop noticing details I literally never think twice about. Maybe I do need a drink...
"This place is wild," he says as we both watch a group of acapella singers pass us in the kitchen.
"Yeah," I laugh, thankful for the break up of my thoughts. Only now my mind is blank and he's looking at me like he knows I'm thinking about him.
The only thing I can think to say is, "What?"
"Your laugh... it's raspy. I like it."
Okay now that is not what my nervous system needs. Why am I at a loss for words? Why can't I think of normal conversation starters? Why do I feel like I'm on fire under his gaze? What is wrong with me?
I watch him adjust his guitar, giving me something to go off of. "You brought your guitar."
"You asked me to."
"Technically Carmen told me to ask you."
"I can probably guess why. Is she here yet?"
Since words clearly aren't my thing right now, I take him through the hall to where everyone is, sitting in various spots and positions to get a good look at the beatboxer going off for them.
"Damn," Cooper mumbles.
"People have been doing random talents since we got here. Performing arts parties are like that I guess."
Carmen waves us over enthusiastically. I'm unsure if it's because the drink she's about to have or if she's excited to see me, or us, or him. I understand if she's excited that Cooper is here, I am too. She scoots to make room for me but Cooper has to sit on the corner of the next one. Our knees are touching since there's not much room in here. In fact, the amount of stragglers standing around has doubled since I left.
"Okay guys." The beatboxer bends to breathe heavily. "Drink break!"
"Who's next?" Someone yells over the noise.
"He is!" Im startled by Carmen's suggestion, looking for an explanation as to who she's talking about. She's pointing at Cooper.
I look at him in wonder.
He makes eye contact with Carmen as everyone else watches our exchange. "You want me to play?"
"Yes! You were so good at the bar."
Someone opposite side of the room encourages him, which only eggs more people on to chant for him to play.
He looks at me sheepishly. "Will you hold my beer?"
I get it out of his way so he can take out his guitar. As he tunes it, he asks me, "What do you want to hear?"
"You know what I want to hear."
He pauses with a grave expression. "An original?"
I nod, but can tell he's nervous. "You don't have to, just play whatever you want. Maybe a cover of something?"
"Okay..." He clears his throat and takes position, quieting the crowd as he starts to strum. "This is called Deep."

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