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The gala is held at the famous Orpheum Theater in downtown LA. Traffic, to be excepted, is terrible, but Carmen and I actually make it on time. All dressed up, heels on, winged liner and lipstick, and my hair is curled hanging loose around my ribs. Carmen looks stunning in the olive green gown she chose to match her warm skin tone. Kinky hair is styled to its proper curl with one side pulled back behind her ear and a diamond barrette. Before we go inside we giddy laugh at how good we look, and for the night to come.
    We make our rounds with the instructors, quickly bypassing Lawless and spending more time with the others, then we end up finding our friends and standing around one of the many high top tables soon after the gala starts.
    "How beautiful is this?!" Jiada twirls in a circle. "I can't believe it."
    Everything here is beautiful. They did an amazing job at presenting a classic and elegant set up with the red table clothes and champagne towers. Green garlands twine around the grand staircase that leads to the theater while twinkling lights hang from banisters. It really is like we walked into a wonderland.
    "Have you guys talked to any directors yet?" Lillian gets right to business. "I did my homework on them so I know who is who already."
    "Of course you did," Carmen says without giving away how she really feels about a teachers pet.
    "I want to know who they are," I urge her.
    "Okay, you see that woman over there with Natasha? She is with NCDC."
    Jiada leans over asking, "Northern California Dance Company, right? They're so good. Most of their dancers are the best in the nation close to New York Dance Center."
Ugh. NYDC would be a dream.
    "That's what I've heard. But oh!" Lillian points, drawing everyone's gaze. "That's the head of directors from the San Diego Company."
    "What about those two?" I ask about the couple speaking to Josh and one of our own directors.
    "They are the casting directors from right here in LA. They're who I'll be keeping my eye on tonight."
    "What does the San Diego guy look for?" Harry asks. "I was looking into them."
    "Oh you'd be perfect!" Lillian smiles. "You should go talk to him."
    "I think I will, but want to wait. Don't want to seem too desperate."
    "Good idea," Jiada says. "That's the game I'm going to play."
   "Avery!" Carmen slaps my bare arm with excitement.
    "Ow!" I whisper yell. "What?!"
    She takes off before I realize what got her so worked up, but of course I should've known it's because Jett is here. I turn to find him and Cooper walking up the stairs to the lobby. Carmen meets Jett at the bottom not even giving him a chance to walk fully up, but I meet Cooper at the top of the steps just so I can watch him approach me like this.
    He looks... wow. So handsome. Especially in this black suit of his. The unbuttoned white dress shirt that exposes the tips of his tattoos makes him stand out amongst the other guys in dressed up bow ties. The best part may be that his hair is slicked back in a way I've never seen it before. He looks older. Like a freaking movie star walking the red carpet. I like it so much I can't help my smile or the slight shake to my hands as I reach for him.
    He grabs my fingers and steps up to me, all the colors of the sea crashing together as his eyes sparkle down on my dress. "Damn. I uh- you look..." His throat clears. "I'm speechless, Avery."
    My giggle bubbles from my chest. "You look good too."
    "Am I allowed to kiss you?"
    "Just a peck." I lean in. "We have an audience."
    He keeps it swift but makes it count.
    "Okay, you two." Carmen interrupts from a few steps down. "Let's go mingle!"
    As we walk back to where our friends are, I take a deep breath at the fact that Cooper is about to meet everyone. He will officially be inserted into this part of my life after tonight, and that is huge for me.
    "Guysss!" Carmen starts. "This is Jett and Cooper."
    Jiada blushes but pushes through with an award winning smile and a wave. Lillian greets them with a grin.
    "Hey, I'm Harry." Harry shakes both their hands. "I was at that party where you played. People still talk about that."
    "Thanks man," Cooper glances to Alister who has been keeping distracted with a side conversation with Jiada. They don't shake hands, or say hello. That can't be a good start.
    "Thanks for coming," I say to fill the awkwardness I'm sure only the three of us can feel.
    "Of course." His eyes flicker to my lips. I can tell he wants to kiss me but I'm glad he's being respectful. "Jett, let's go get our girls some drinks."
    Everyone's eyes but Alister's linger on their backs.
    "Okay we expected as much from Carmen but Avery!" Jiada lightly smacks my hand. "Good for you. He's hot."
    "He's a lot more than that, but, thanks." I try and enjoy the lift in mood.
    "Let's hope so," Alister comments with a bite.
    And there the lift in mood deflates. "What's the problem?" Carmen notices.
    "The problem is, I'm worried for Avery with that guy," Alister answers. "He showed up all heated to rehearsal a few weeks ago and refused to leave."
    "Did you ever think he had a good reason to show up the way he did? That maybe something else was going on that you were unaware of?"
    "Carmen." I give her a knowing look that I've got this, then look to Alister, as everyone else sits like flies on the wall unaware of what is happening. "Cooper is a good guy. He supports my dancing and cares a lot about me. I know I haven't really told anyone about us other than the first time we met but we've come a long way since then-"
    "A very long way," Carmen adds then zips her lips when I glare at her to let me finish.
    "You have nothing to worry about. I just want us all to get along," I smile as assuringly as I can but I still don't think Alister gets it, because right as I'm done, Cooper and Jett are walking back and Alister is immediately pulling Harry away with him.
    Before they leave, Harry whispers, "I like him. Keep him close or I might make my move."
    I roll my eyes. "Get your own rockstar, Harry."
    "What'd we miss?" Jett hands Carmen a champagne glass.
    "Nothin' much. Thank you for the drink. Ooo!" Carmen claps her hands at the tray Cooper sets down as he hands me a flute. "You brought cheese!"
    Jiada glowers. "You brought cheese."
    "You brought... cheese?" Lillian blinks unexpectedly.
    "I know," Cooper smiles. "I hear it's a hot commodity with you guys."
    "From who exactly?" Jiada counters.
    "You want one?" He tests her by waving one of the tooth picks around then biting it off. "Suit yourself."
    I smack his chest. "Don't be mean."
    He holds one out to me with a quirked eyebrow as Carmen dives into her third serving. "Do you want one?"
    I do... I don't... I've been really good lately so I'll indulge him. I nod. "Only because you wore this suit." I open my mouth for him to feed me then groan with how delicious it is.
    "Don't make that noise, I might cave." Jiada drinks another sip of her water.
    "You should. It's worth it, trust me."
    "Ten extra pounds isn't though," Lillian murmurs.
    "You're not going to gain ten pounds from one block of cheese," Cooper laughs. "How's the champagne?" He watches me take a heavy drink me. Seeing as this is a friendly celebration I'm okay with one glass of champagne. What could go wrong?
    "It's good. Cheese and champagne is a good mix."
    "So is you and this dress," he grins.
    "Okay, what?" Jiada scoffs. "You guys are so cute. I want a boyfriend."
    "They're pretty fun," I smile up at him, wanting so bad to kiss his face off right now. To suck the champagne off his tongue.
    "Come on Jiada, let's find ourselves some directors  to talk to. This love fest is too much for me." Lillian hooks her arm in Jiada's.
    "Agreed." Jiada follows. "Talk to you guys later!"
    Cooper laughs at their exit. "They seem... exactly how you described them."
    "You don't even know the half of it," Carmen scowls.
    "They aren't that bad." Jett finishes his glass. "But who doesn't eat cheese?"
    "They're ballerinas," I say as if it should be obvious.
    "So are you guys, and you eat cheese."
    "Yeah well we're the cool ballerinas." Carmen wraps her arms around his neck. "Remember that tonight when you're swarmed by curious girls who have never seen the likes of you before."
    "I've only got eyes for one girl tonight." Jett kisses her.
    "I second that," Cooper winks at me.
    Again, his grin and his lips and his slicked hair and the suit. I just need two seconds alone with him. "Come with me." I grab his hand and the champagne and pull him up the stairs to the theater.
    "Where are we going?"
    "You'll see," I whisper. "But hurry, we're not supposed to be up here."
    "Are you actually being a rule breaker right now?" He squeezes my hand as I hurry us down the corridor to the theater doors. "I like this side of you. It's sexy. Rebel Avery."
    I smile because this sneaking away is fun. Never thought I'd say it but I'm glad I'm learning to bend sometimes, but only for moments like this, where Cooper and I can steal a few minutes away from a party.
    The auditorium is eery but in a comforting way. It reminds me when I get to class early just to enjoy the silence and ground myself in the space. As I lead him down the aisles between rows of empty chairs I head straight to the stage. Luckily the curtains are drawn so you get the full effect from down here, but the view into the audience is always my favorite.
    I unclasp our hands when we climb the side stairs to walk center stage. He holds back, always watching, taking everything in. "This is my favorite place in the whole world," I mention.
"Tell me about it." He presses his hands in his pockets. "What's it like being on stage?"
"Well," I grin, "it's exhilarating. You spend hours and hours rehearsing and training, through blood, sweat and tears, pulled muscles, bruised knees, messed up feet, all for this moment. Standing in the wings I always feel like I have to pee I'm so nervous." He laughs. "But once I'm on stage under the lights, it's like all the nerves go away and I just... give myself over to the performance."
"And you say I'm the deep one," he's walked closer.
"Who do you think I'm learning from?" I smile back at him, then focus on the audience again.
"It's similar for me, too, when we have a show." His arms slide around my waist as he hugs me from behind so we can both use our imaginations. "I feel like I'm high when I'm on stage. It's the most I ever have when I'm up there with the guys just jammin' the fuck out."
I look up to smile at him. "I should've known you'd get it." Turning all the way, I place my hands on his shoulders. "You always do."
His grin is appreciative as he grabs one of my hands and pulls my waist into him. "Remember when we danced on the rooftop?"
"Yes." My head finds his chest as we sway. "That feels like a lifetime ago. We're so different now."
"Back when you refused to let anything happen between us."
"Don't be fooled. I wanted it. More than you probably know."
He makes a deep, satisfied moan in the base of his throat before, "Tell me how much you wanted it."
"That time you came to the academy and we went to your garage, I had to set those boundaries because I knew you'd be a pivotal point, one I wasn't ready for. But I still wanted you. How could I not? I mean you're this highly attractive but somehow ultra caring guy with feelings he isn't afraid to open up about but who also plays guitar in a successful band and has the coolest style ever and knows exactly what to say to make me feel... any type of emotion at all, you know how to do it all to me."
His finger slides up and down my spine. "It's a privilege to be able to do it all to you, Avery. Thank you for allowing me to slowly sneak over your boundary."
A laugh sputters out of me as I look up to his crinkling eyes. "You didn't sneak over. You just figured out the magic words to bring them down, inch by inch. Song by song. Rehearsal after rehearsal."
"Not that I'm complaining, but, you're being so sentimental. What's this mood you're in?"
I shrug. "I just want you to know how special you are to me. I swear I didn't bring you in here to be a sap."
"Like I said, I'm not complaining." He brings his hands to cup my face. "But you're the special one here." He kisses me. "I'm curious though, why did you bring me in here if not for that?"
"I just wanted to get away from everyone. From the pressure of being next to you but not able to touch or kiss you because my instructors and peers and directors from other companies are watching."
"Mmmm." He pulls me into a deeper kiss as he swipes his tongue along mine. "You were trying to get me alone..."
I smile against his mouth but don't respond. I don't want to break this up again. We make out in the center of the expansive stage infront of an audience of empty chairs. When his hands start to go to places too inappropriate for this setting I push away with a gasp and a lazy grin, shaking my head.
He smiles back. "Couldn't help myself."
We need to either go back out there or find something else to do in here or we might end up doing much more right here right now. "Should we go back?"
    His head bobs, telling me no. "Not yet." He looks behind us. "Come here." He swoops me up and throws me over his shoulder.
    I laugh nonstop at the spontaneity until I'm set atop the piano which is upstage center. There's not as much light back here so it's dim, and more isolated than being where we just were.
I watch him take a seat, adjusting his jacket so he has more room to move. "What are you doing?" He places his fingers as if he knows what he's doing. "You know how to play the piano?"
    "I do. Want me to play something for you?"
    A tingle of satisfaction flurries through my core. "Can I choose the song?"
    "Not this time. I have something in mind. You ready?"
    "Hold on." I lay back on the piano top, letting my hair splay behind me, and turn to my side so I'm looking right at him. "I'm ready," I smirk at the way he acknowledges how I'm positioned by clearing his throat.
    "You said earlier the stage is your favorite place in world? This song is one of my favorites in the world. It's by the X Ambassadors. It's called Gorgeous. And I dedicate it to you."

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