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Heads on Spikes are done playing by the time we get to Pine Street Ave. The Uber line drop off is horrendous and in the heels Carmen chose to wear there's no way we could have walked. I'm glad I chose to throw on some converse because because there's no way my feet can handle anymore torture today.
The bar is still full when we walk in considering how late it is, so we do a quick scan of the space. I don't recognize Cooper or any of the band. Not even Courtney and Sophia who I know would be here too.
"Maybe I miss heard him!" I yell to Carmen as we weave through dancing bodies. "I don't see them anywhere."
"They definitely played, their flyer is right there." She's right. Ten, brick red flyers are stapled to the wooden bar post. If he's not playing and he's not dancing or at the bar... "We should check backstage."
I follow Carmen, allowing her to use her flirtatious sway to sneak us backstage. There are instruments of all kinds, but no Cooper. Then we notice a back hall, and down the back hall is a dressing room. One that we can hear the booming laughter and howling celebration clear as day. I know that's where he must be.
"I'm nervous," I admit. "What if he doesn't want to see me?"
"Then we go back out there and have some fun all to ourselves." She knocks on the door.
"Okay but-"
She knocks again but it's so loud in there I don't think they can hear. So, in a maneuver that is true to Carmen fashion, she kicks open the door and stands with her hip out, eyeing everyone down until she finds Cooper in the mix. "Hey rockstar. I have a present for you."
"Who are you?" Bruno slinks from the couch in approach, clearly interested in their new guest.
"Not interested."
The other guys holler their praises at her jab.
Cooper catches sight of me immediately, setting down his beer and standing up. "Can you guys give us a minute?"
"Fuck that, we're in the middle of a celebration!" Bruno complains.
Mark groans. "Why do we have to get kicked out?"
"Because he needs to make up with his girlfriend, that's why." Carmen dares Mark to intervene with her signature no-bullshit attitude.
"No really." Jett walks to Carmen, handing her a beer. "Who... are you?"
"Oh god, here we go!"
"Seriously guys." Cooper motions for them. "Get the fuck out."
They mosey their way out of the dressing room in a single file line, mumbling under their breath about it all. Once everyone is gone Carmen winks, saying, "Have fun. I'll be out here when you're done!"
Jett and Bruno sandwich her with attention, which she acts like she doesn't love, but will absolutely accept from a guitar player and lead singer anyway. Finally she gets to meet the band, and can now officially hang. I have a feeling she will fit in way better than I do.
After shutting the door, I take an apprehensive seat on one of the couches. Cooper chooses the one on the other side of the room. Silence ensues. An awkward bubble engulfs us as neither of us knows what to say or how the other is feeling. But I get the hint that because I'm the one who came here, I should start the conversation. I just need to find a way to ease into it...
"I talked to Carmen," I murmur, if only to ease his mind on the subject.
"She handled it in a very Carmen like way. She's not going to the board but she has something else to spite him, so, I guess she's taking care of it."
"That's good." He sweeps his hair back and sighs into the couch, chugs his beer, then settles his gaze on me.
"Are we... are we okay?" I try not to sound so unsure but it's impossible. I hate this.
"You tell me. You're the one who told me to go away." He has a bite to his words. Whether it's intentional or not... he takes another swig.
"How many of those have you had?"
He holds the beer in his hand, examining it like he's never seen one before. "Sorry." A slight bunch crowds his perfectly smooth forehead before he sets the bottle on the dressing room table. "It helps take the edge off. I've had too much time to think."
"Think about what?"
"Us." I'm having such a hard time reading him. We've never been in this situation before.
"Does this mean you're like... breaking up with me?"
He snatches his body forward at that, concentrating on me again. His bright green eyes search my face for any sign of distress as if he is feeling the same way about me as I am about him. Unsure and confused. "That's what you think?"
"I don't know what to think. Last time we saw each other you left angry. We haven't spoken in a week."
"I left because you asked me to. I wanted to give you space because of it. And I was angry because you let Alister speak for you, at me."
"I just didn't expect to see you there... it's not a good look having your boyfriend show up to rehearsal like that."
He scoffs. "Right."
I wince at my words. I'm so horrible sometimes. "I don't mean that. That came out wrong."
    "What did you mean then?"
    "I meant to say I'm lucky to have you to check in on me and make sure I'm safe. But from now on rehearsals are off limits. Is... that okay?" Communication. I need to be better at communication and what I just said is the best way for me to get across what I need to.
    "I was worried. That's why I came."
    "I know. And about the partnering thing-"
    "Forget about it. I was being a jealous asshole. Along with the time I had to sit with myself this week, the guys put me in check. I already said it but I'm still getting used to the idea that my girlfriend dances with other guys day in and day out. I know you told me before we were a thing but even then it was weird. The thought just... it pisses me off to no fucking end."
    "I know it's not easy. But, please, trust me when I say Alister's intentions are strictly professional."
    "I can get on board with it, eventually, but I need time to process everything before I'm all gung-ho on the idea. I still don't like how he spoke for you as if I mean nothing. As if his opinion matters more than mine. Because it shouldn't. And if he says anything again-"
    "It doesn't. But he also doesn't know the extent to our relationship. I don't talk to him on that level. Hence the professional thing. But I could say something, if that makes you feel better."
    He's nods, rehashing my words in his head as he fiddles with some of the rings he is wearing today. But I want us to be normal. This talk is in the right direction but there's still something missing. How can I get across what I need to? What can I do? I need to make it up to him.
I eye the door, slowly making my way over to lock it, hoping the sharp click of the bolt gets his attention. I bunch the bottom of the sundress Carmen gave me to wear as I face him. "Let me make it up to you."
In an instant his demeanor shifts, gaze hardening in a whole other type of way. "Avery Hillman, are you trying to persuade me into accepting your apology with makeup sex?"
He responds by getting right to it and unbuckling his pants. "I'll never deny you of that."
We hold eye contact, all the things that we could possibly do right now in this dressing room running through both of our heads. I get on my knees infront of him, taking in the sight of Cooper stroking himself. I gather wetness in my mouth and take him as I look up purposefully through my lashes. A low hiss escapes him with the contact, so sensitive, throbbing against my lips. I take away every amount of pent up energy our fight caused and replace it with undeniable pleasure.
Going deeper, my hand fists the rest that doesn't fit. At the same time he shifts his hips for a better angle as he pushes me further, using his hand at the back of my head to control my movements. All too soon my gag reflex kicks in and I instinctively pull away, wanting to keep going I lean in, but he pulls me on top of him instead.
"I'm not wearing any underwear," I whisper into a shy grin. It was something I thought to do last minute, hoping it surprises him. I think it thoroughly does as his fingers brush up my thighs to bunch my dress up on top of my hips.
He groans into a kiss. "I've missed you. I've missed this. I'm sorry for everything."
"I thought I was supposed to be the one apologizing."
"You're right," his soft laugh whispers against my lips. "I take it back."
I laugh down to find his cocky grin as he lifts my hips enough for him to push inside of me. A moan with both pleasure and pain from my throat at every inch that enters me. We've never had sex like this before so it's new to my body.
"I need a second," I pant.
"Take your time," he whispers against my neck, then leans his head against the back of the couch to watch.
After a few seconds I open enough to gradually move my hips faster, until my thighs are burning, and I'm basically out of breath. At one point it feels so good I lean forward, catching my hands against his chest for support. I accidentally aim wrong and end up pressing his neck, when I go to move my hand, he snatches it back. His gaze is full of play as he forms my thumb and four fingers into a v and places it right onto the base of his neck.
He uses my wrist to push pressure and then I realize what he wants. He wants me to choke him. I've wondered just how far that whole pain and pleasure thing goes, I just never expected to actually be exploring it to this depth. It's not necessarily a turn on for me but knowing this is what he likes, is. And I will give it to him. If he's silently asking, I'm sure he's scared of my reaction. I try and convey through solid eye contact that this is my apology and he deserve it.
Maybe all along this is why I've been so attracted to his Adam's apple...
While putting pressure on his neck, I ride him. And he watches me unravel at the feel of him inside me.
With a few harsh thrusts from him and a low groan he pops me off and finishes on my leg. "Fuck." He breathes hard from our pace, then looks at me. "That was amazing... but we just had sex without a condom."
"Oh." Shit. "I didn't even think about it."
"I mean I'm not complaining, the feel of you without one is mind blowing. But... I've never done that before."
I try to hide my shock. "Really?"
"Yeah. I'm not trying to have a kid any time soon."
"True," I laugh. "Well next time I surprise you with makeup sex I'll be better prepared." I fall into the couch and lay my head against the armrest as he stands to wipe off and buckle his jeans.
He stops mid zip to look down at me. I'm basically sprawled out on the couch, dress still bunched at my thighs, completely exposed. I witness his eyes go a bright green as he bites his lip and moves on top of me. He kisses me, soft, and gentle.
"I know we still have a lot to talk through but that was a good stress reliever to start. Thanks for the makeup sex. You're fucking amazing." He sits back, taking in the sight of what's between my legs. "Not satisfied?"
I close my legs to hide the sensitivity still waiting to release. "I didn't..."
"You didn't cum?" His face scrunches in horror. "What the hell? Why didn't you say something?"
"Because this was for you."
"Uh, no. That's unacceptable. Come here-"
"No!" I fight him away with my feet, giggling as he bites one. "Honestly it's fine. My body hurts. This week has been hard."
"It's not fine. But I get it, being on top isn't as easy as it looks, huh?" he winks.
"Shut up!" I kick him. "I'm just tired."
"Okay. But I promise not to make a habit of that shit."
"I'll take a rain check."
"Don't think I won't cash in on it."
I perk my lips. "Wouldn't it be me cashing in?"
"Going down on you is just as much a pleasure for me as it is you, trust me."
My stomach clenches at his devilish grin.
He grabs my hand and pulls me up, wiping what needs to be wiped and fixing my dress before brushing some of my hair down. "Should we go find everyone else? Save Carmen from the hooligans?"
"She's no doubt having the time of her life out there. But yes. Let's have some fun."
"Wait... no, I have class tomorrow?"
I laugh, and smack his arm. "Keep pushing and I'll make you drive me home right now."
"No." He draws me into a hug. "This week was bad enough."
"That's why I came to make up for it."
"About that," he grins, "apology accepted."

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