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The rest of the week I cherish every second of rehearsals for my solo before we can't practice for a while. Spending time with Cooper is always rewarding in so many ways and it gets my mind off the way Carmen has been acting. She hasn't been herself. She isn't bubbly or talkative, she goes to bed early and is out of the room before I wake up which is saying a lot. I have no idea where she goes or what she does but it can't be good. Our friendship has been strained because of it but I have not for one second let on that I know what happened, only made sure I am readily available for when she does decide to revive herself. I can't even imagine what she's going through.
Cooper and I's relationship is the opposite. We are full of growth and forming an amazing connection which is effortless. We somehow manage to have fun while working on the solo, or as I like to call it now, the duo, but either way we both enjoy being together like this. I appreciate his ability to separate when it's time to be silly and when it's time get to work.
We decide to end with a few minutes left to our room reservation. Cooper is currently teaching me how to play some strings on his guitar.
He moves my fingers in precise alignment, helping me position as much as my beginner skill level will allow.
"Ow," I wince as I strum. "How do you do this all the time?"
"Calluses." He shows me the tiny nubs. "Now concentrate."
I laugh at how serious he is taking this but suck it in just as fast, determined to impress him. "Okay, show me again."
"So there are six strings. Starting with the thinnest string, that is string one and so on. Angle your wrist." He adjusts my hold. "Like that. And don't be heavy handed but obviously strum hard enough for it to have an affect."
"Like this?" I pluck the first string.
"Eh, a little harder." He waits for me to do it again. "Yep, just like that."
"Okay now teach me a song."
He chuckles across from me. "I know you like to be the best at everything but-"
"Teach me."
"Okay, okay." He helps my hand, shifting to a squatted position before me for better reach. "Remember this sequence: three three one one zero zero two."
Three three one one zero zero two. "Now what?"
His eyebrows lift. "Repeat it."
"Three three one one zero zero two. Easy."
"Those are the strings you'll play. You think you got it?"
I nod. Biting my lip in concentration and observing the strings one more time before plucking the sequence. When I'm done I look at him with an accomplished grin. "Did I do it?"
"Yeah," he laughs. "You actually did. Does it sound familiar?"
I do the sequence two more times before the lullaby comes to mind. "It's Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."
"Good job. You're a natural."
"I guess I can be the best at everything," I play as I hand him back the guitar.
"I don't think it's in your DNA to fail."
I glance at the clock and notice we only have a few more minutes. "So... I have extra rehearsal next week after class."
"Okay. What does that mean?"
"I won't have time to work on this. Lawless wants us here everyday at six which is right after our normal classes and I wouldn't be surprised if he made us go all night."
"Oh. So you'll be with him. Your partner?"
"Alister, yeah. Remember I told you the other day we got the lead?"
"Yep, still very fucking proud." He sits on the stool and I take a seat on the ground.
"Well that's what the extra rehearsal is for. But it's only next week. After that we can go back to normal."
"So you're saying I won't be able to see you for a week?"
"Pretty much." I can't read his expression. He's not mad or jealous, just, considering, I think. "The showcase is soonish so everyone is swamped with rehearsals, not just me."
"Why do you seem like you're expecting me to react badly?"
My back stiffens. "I'm not. I just... I don't know. It will be weird not seeing you."
"It will suck but dance is important. It'll give me time to work on some music too. It's no big deal, Avery. Seriously," he softens. "I uh... I was planning on showing you this next week but since I won't see you... I wrote something for you."
"You did?" I beam.
"Sit down here." He guides me to the stool as he walks out in the middle of the room and steadies the guitar in his arms. "This is a little different than I'm used to writing but then again I've never had someone like you to write something like this about so, thanks for the inspiration, I guess." His smirk is downturned and more goofy than usual. I think he's nervous. "This is called My Baby."

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