western dippers: a story

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when the great Dippers occassionally gead west in direction there was this shaman who was immortal and immoveble. He wakes up every day and doesnt care about anyone else except the great demon....the opposite of the creator. He worshiped and sacrificed his victims to the western Dippers. In the hope that they would reanimate and do his bidding. The sacrifices were animal and human....no children as the demon wanted fit and able bodied corpses that were drained of there blood to avoid rott. This happened every 10th month of the year....this would be our modern halloween. And each year those who dared to stray from the villages and into the prairies were slaughtered and eatten alive by their undead attackers. The tribal chiefs but curfews on their communities and sot help to deal with this demonic presents.
They too said animal offerings or sending the men out to fight this every year which they never came back. Grizzly remains scatted allong the roads. As if the evil spirit warned travelers off its intent. So people avoid the grass....even in the day because of the legend and the smell of rot.
Fed up the chiefs held a drumming circle around a dead tree to cast the demon and its shaman to the underworld. With each beat of the drum the tree which was the center of the world risen and sucked the evil entity and its worshipper. This had to be done every 200 years to keep the undead at bay. But as time went on the ritual was ignored more and more until the tree was toppled and a horrid smell came out from the evil. Soon the undead and its shamanic creator the worshipper of the demon would come back....every shaoween or Halloween for us non shamanic people.

This would happened once i year with the odd person disappearing in the prairies for ever. Until found dismembered as if by animals...monkeys but their were no monkeys and so this myth resurfaced.
And its evil.

This halloween i decided the star party would talk place deep in the prairies out of the small town of dog river. My room mate was was aboriginal Canadian said that i was crazy to do this particular star party in the location choosen.
"Have you heard the tales of the prairies," he asked.
I saw no that i was sort of new to the area and did not even know what corner gas was little alone the ruby. It was a hot july
And i was alreading planning halloween. My room mate joe that was his name told me in horrific detail about the myth that recently resurfaced and i was shooked but not deterred.
A two thousand year old myth fuck it i thouht. But it would be great from my halloween star party.
He said that any one who hates life or is stupid will only go out in the prairies by foot on Halloween....and that u was committing suicide.
I laughted thinking its just a harmless party i am not a doctor so i did not have to worry about harming anyone no that i party could.
He said that people go missing every year in october around and on halloween from the demonic entity.
"Demonic entity"
Yes he answer.
There once was a cannibal shaman who made zombies about of his victims as he worshipped the demon that would but the dippers in the west instead of the north. And that they comeback to kill the living.....this was a an old suix and black foot myth supposedly.
Me coming from ottawa only new of the natives and the cultures in history class. They came from the land bridge attaching north America and Asia and some time in the ice age to avoid the "angries" and that they had problems with the white people. Was this their way of scaring people native or not into submission. I highly doubt that.
But i wanted to throw this party...bit also want to know more about this myth. The fact that two tribes believe it most hold some water or blood.
So for the rest of the summer i researched this myth and prepared my party.

Dueing the rest of the summertime i spent my time reading about the myth and the disappearances that were associated with them. I bought three books on the subjects
Dogriver zombies
Black foot halloween tales
Mysterious disappearances.

I read them on chronological order. The first two books had to do with the myth its self and other creepy little tales like the ghost buffalo and the last warrrior to fight the undead.
The last book talk about the various disappearances turned savage murders that inly accoeding to coroners as from a monkey like creature. They pictures said enough for themselves that i really need not read more but did anyway. As scary as this was i decided for my stargazing event that it would be a zombie themed star party. Though all through the summer i was always called an idiot or retard for doing my star party out side of town in the boonies.
But i was determined.
Soon there was talk of me bei g a sadist and masochisf for pulling off this sthpid stunt of a party. Soon when i went stargazingin August i fiund that the leaves where starting tio change, the Dippers moving towards the western sky. I dont know if its an illusion but it seemed like that something was goibg to fuck up in the feilds of grass. Soon i heard moaning sounds.... not pleasure moans but those of torment and intense pain. So i ran off and gave up stargazing for the next few months until the halloween. But shit started to get really as people started to hear the moans and grunts as i did that night. That startwd to freak me out more and more

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