Marcel Nguyen

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I don't usually talk about people in a bad note unless they really deserve it. But in this case with Marcel he has caused me a lot of problems. I was supposed to go for an interview when he intervened in my life and ruined it completely. Almost ruining and I should say I. He did atrocious things like he told me to kill myself that's why I have semicolon tattoos on my middle fingers because I'm getting kind of pissed off with people like him. And that any also told me under death that I was to start up a bank account with the Bank of Canada which wasn't too good for me. Because in my group home I'm not allowed to have a bank account. So I had to keep this a secret or else I could have been killed. Another thing is he always hacked my Facebook accounts and made them turn into pornstar accounts which wasn't too good either. He was very controlling and very mean. He was not the type of person you want to meet in the dark alley even if you were a black belt or a Yakuza either way you were going to be screwed blue and tattooed with the Scottish government serious business the worst of the worst was one he decided to make a bitcoin account in my name and that was even worse for me. I thought for sure I was going to get arrested or at least getting shit with the group home.  
What was worse is someone else got the interview and I got an abusive relationship being told to kill myself one point I was damn near close and had to tell one of the workers what was going on. It took a lot of girl balls to say that I had to stay in the first place but it was important my mother knew it was going on at least thank God but when the workers found out they were able to intervene. The worst part was with Marcel was he hacked my flipping Spotify account which is something you do not want to do unless you're trying to commit suicide yourself. More or less of the freedom variety. In other words you're going to end up in jail. That's what I lost my cool for the and I mean my cool for the very very first time in my life yes I may have had rages in my life with PTSD but this is the first time I was over losing my crap over something and I was really angry. It wasn't already it wasn't had anything to do with PTSD it was just something that was going to blow a powder keg. And the Powder Keg blue and I reported him to the FBI after I told the head work or what was going on in the first place he said that that guy was a really bad guy to begin with and that I ended up a relationship that was abusive and that I should get out of it. That's one of the best started to report him to the FBI so he wouldn't have to do this to some other woman I believe he is kind of Swindle another woman or at least trying to kill another woman. This son of a bad choices four-star general or at least he seems like it and he was really controlling and God awful he was way older than me he was I think Tibetan and he was just the worst of the worst. He also made me take nude pictures of myself something I never do even for modeling. If you're wondering if you're going to be in a bad relationship like this there are some red flags you need to look for one is that if they're asking for your bank information or asking you to forget everything in the first place and then to make a bank account fraudulently. That's red flag number two red flag number three is they say the meaning things and they say things like go kill yourself your psycho and stuff like that that's kind of a red flag and if they're controlling that's another red flag. Also if they are significant age Gap then that is another warning sign as well because as I heard from one worker a significant age Gap will increase your risk of being abused. Also this flaming ball with s*** called me John Chris you know like sweep the leg from Karate Kid as if to say that I'm ugly and psycho. At the time I started to believe that I look like John Chris from Cobra clire The Karate Kid movies it was very gone awful for me to deal with this new little self esteem. I forgot about who I was and I ended up having the date of their people again and end up going to want s*** relationship and do another. There are some people that were promising and then there are some people that were just playing perverts and other red flag you should watch out for. These are the Red Flags discovered age Gap bank account telling you you're ugly abuse and stuff like that even though it was over line or online I mean it was still devastating to go through this and want to kill myself once and for all. Because he was horrible. It doesn't pass a day that I have had an effect caused by Marcel. He had a very bad effect and laughing very bad day he could say it's another PTSD acute stress disorder there is only with minimal trauma. But this was not minimal trauma I still remember what he has done told telling me what to do what to say and stuff like that if he had his way I would be in jail not him. Then one of my friends ended up falling in love with another military guy on Facebook and I said these guys are criminals and abusers. And I didn't want to have anything to do with this person because I was afraid that the guy was going to the Predator was going to go after me as well. So I got rid of heavenly Edwards right away and locked her she was not right in the head to think that he was going to fall in love with General. She was just 21 years old I don't know if she's still alive or dead because of that Marcel bastard. Obviously the FBI didn't do very much to him and now they have to worry about the death of a 21-year-old girl. It was very saddening to think that this was going on still and I had a very careful on Facebook when I dated people and even on Plenty of Fish that they were not military and I said exclusively no military people. That they were going to be blocked and reported to the police. Something I don't want to ever say about the military because the military can be good but there were some sleep balls like Marcel who are going to attack you right left and center and make you feel like crap and worthless and ugly. I decided I wasn't going to deal with this kind of thing this is something that was holding me back for quite some time and now I've been able to tell the God damn truth about this. Some of the workers still don't know half the s*** and I'm afraid that they will never know because of the extent of the damage psychologically and emotionally as well as legally nearly at least I had to call the FBI or get the FBI involved online about what he was doing. It just took him to hack my Spotify account you never mess with my music kind of thing that got me to get the cojones to report him and tell the FBI exactly what he was doing. Took months more broken relationships with other people that really makes me cringe at this point and makes you want to take a shower just thinking about. But I finally ended up deciding the model and that's what got me out of the old rooms but they're still at the back of the mind will never sell or someone like him come after me again. To tear me down and ruin me. So I don't go into dating groups on Facebook or dating sites anymore not because of my orientation but because I just can't bring myself after brat the psychopath ended up cheating on me so I didn't bother with that anymore and then I decided to model and open up a Model Mayhem account and that was good when I was accepted and I was able to psychologically clean house by putting on makeup and being able to help myself through modeling and see that I'm actually pretty instead of a John creese. I got something to say to Marcel sweep the leg that's all I have to say to him is that he is so low that I might as well just tell him to sweep the leg and see what happens there. Get the joke John crease Karate Kid Cobra Kai so I ended up deciding that I was going to get angry after I realized that I did look a little bit like him after that but that would be way before I started modeling now I wear wigs and I shave my hair because my hair can get quite bushy and thick on my head that is and can go out of control very easily. Making me look like a better looking version of John Chris. But I didn't want to have to think that way about myself. So I always shave my head or dye my hair pretty soon the dying of the hair was getting to the point where it was driving me insane so I started wearing wigs to cover up my natural hair color and I have to keep on top of my hair and shave it with a shaver electric shaver. I don't mind looking ball like the Dalai Lama at least it makes me look decent and I don't mind wearing wigs but I cannot wear natural hair because it's just too out of control. And I'm afraid that I might get someone like Marcel again into my life that might hurt I don't usually say live in the funeral all the time but in this case I had to or have to. Because I'm afraid that my orientation is going to be challenged yet again and he was really a piece of crap work. If my mother was still alive to this day she would say that yes and she would attest to me that this guy was horrible to me. But I have the workers to mention to me about not to mention to me about or bring up ham but I can actually use them to testify against Marshall if I wanted to or to mention this in the story Marcel was not a good person I don't know why he ended up in my life and why he he must have noticed the goodness in my life and decided he was going to pile driver to the ground. At one point I was angry and I called Luke a psychopath yes I call him that instead of Marcelli Cuban Marcel instead of Luke being called a psychopath. He was horrible and I remember ending up in being downstairs for quite some time in my Apartments just trying to cool my heels after I call Luca psychopath which is something that is still a sore spot to me. Luke didn't deserve if it was either going to be Marcel or someone else who's going to deserve this kind of crap. What do I have to say about Marcel and the likes of him I say that they're fucking fucktards.       I have a victim statement that I want to say about Marcel and what he has done to me. If I ever have to go to prison or if anyone reads this book that this is what I have to say

" Marcel you are nothing more than Tibetan scum I don't usually say this about my people or anyone else for that matter ethnically but in this case you are what you are scum that happens to have Tibetan DNA why do I say this because you have called me John Chris as well as calling me ugly and telling me to kill myself you forced me to new things that I would get me in trouble either with the police or with my group home. You've even as much as far as deleted my Facebook account and as much as deleted my God damn Spotify having to rebuild it it was very painful for me and I had to blow my stack this is not something I usually do is blowing my staff but in this case you've done so much damage to me I hope you rotten jail for what you've done to me or other women. You make Tibetan people look like crap and that is the truth. And as a Tibetan myself I feel like a coward. I hope you get Big Bubba to get after you. Because that's the only way you're going to learn to eat is who your own abuse through your own medicine. I don't know what you were doing now but you have done more damage to this world than you have served it. I hope you rot in hell in a special place in hell I think the 10th Circle The Mysterious 10th Circle would be very good for you."

It might be graphic but that's what I had to say about Marcel if I ever had to go to court that he was going to get Big Bubba to attack him in prison let's put it that way because you do not attack children or women in prison you are the spell of the earth when you do anything against women or children or animals in prison so I hope he's having a good time with his boyfriend. That is if he's in prison if he isn't that above statement I said is going to ring true do I like to say have this stuff about someone I don't think so but it's gotten to the point where he's ruined everything I could have been famous hell I can still be famous for who I am. Instead of being a victim I decided to be a model instead of being a victim I decide to be an artist and express my Tibetan and ancestry even though he has nearly destroyed it. I think he was a rare breed of Yakuza why do I say that because there are some Tibetans just like Koreans who end up being Yakuza. Is very unsure very unfortunate but it is true because they're marginalized in the Japanese Society so they end up being Yakuza that's the same with the Koreans and that is the exact same with the Tibetans sometimes they can even be American and they just have to be Korean or Tibetan or Japanese and be marginalized to be Yakuza.       
As for online dating I have had one success story with a girl named Stacy one time this is before I found out I was Auto romantic way before and I wanted to give her a ring but she ended up cheating with me or on me actually after the end of the freaking relationship we fought like ass and dogs but I tried to deal with her anymore positive note but anyway she's still in my heart because she is halfway decent human being. Unlike the other skisoids that I have seen on Facebook or plenty of fish. Now I have a new Facebook or as I call it waste book and I end up having to go and be very careful as to who I had in case they want to date me and control me kind of thing if anyone tries to flirt with me I tell him to fuck off now. Why because number one I'm Auto sexual and number two I'm also going to not deal with romance anymore except with myself because why it's too much drama and I'm not a drama queen so that's something to think about when you try to go on dating sites or dating groups on Facebook that you're going to end up being a drama queen or King and you're going to have nothing but drama. If you are going to join a group on the Facebook for dating as I said look for the factors being called demeaning names like ugly or other stuff or age gaps fake pictures being told to kill yourself and being threatened with death if you do not put on a bank account or they ask for your bank information that is usually red flags right there. Or if they say nice things in the first place and then get really nasty afterwards that's another red flag. I am not missing around this is the God damn truth and this is something you have to God damn read today because this is something that's important for your own safety. I don't believe in dating other people because of exactly this and you have to watch out for the red flags that's why I said be God damn careful and read this particular chapter very carefully because this is very important to read. It is very very important to be careful online one dating if you're stupid enough to make that decision to date in the first place that's what I think. Because you're going to end up with an doldrums meaning depression PTSD particularly acute stress disorder do I have three forms of PTSD now not just come over and complex but acute stress disorder too because of Marcel will this pass I don't know but I know that I have to be very careful especially now that I'm back to being Auto romantic I have to be very very careful with my safety online!

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