Story 4 (very tragic)

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It all started on a fateful day in March.

My brother had left his printer in the bathtub, and it kept printing out porn on its own. I tried to ignore it, but the constant stream of filth was too much to handle.

I snapped.

I grabbed the printer and hurled it off the roof of our twenty storey apartment.It felt good to watch it crash and burn, however my moment of triumph was very short-lived.

The printer had one last surprise for me. As it hit the ground, it exploded into a cloud of noxious gas. The stench was unbearable.I had to get out of there. But the gas was everywhere. It was seeping into my skin, burning my eyes.

I was choking on it. I staggered blindly towards the door, but I couldn't find it.

I was going to die.

But then I heard a voice.

It was my brother. He had come back just in time. He led me out of the apartment and into the fresh air. I was coughing and choking, but I was alive.

I will never forget that day. It was the day I realized just how destructive porn can be. It's not just a harmless diversion. It's a poison that destroys lives. I'm glad I got rid of that printer before it could do any more damage.

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