Story 6

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It was a hot summer day and I was taking a bath when I noticed something floating in the tub.

When I reached for it, I realized it was a printer. And not just any printer, but one that my brother had somehow fucking given sentience and taught to print out porn.

I was so disgusted and angry that I decided to throw it off the roof of our apartment building.

I carried it up to the roof, and with all my might, I threw it over the edge.It felt so satisfying to watch it crash down to the ground below.

I wanted to make sure it was destroyed, so I went down to the ground level to check. Sure enough, it was in pieces.I felt like I had accomplished something great. Not only had I gotten rid of that disgusting printer, but I had also rid our apartment of my brother's disgusting fucking porn. It was a win-win situation.

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