Chapter 2: The Bully Beater

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Victoria made her way through her first few classes with ease. In order to be of value, she knew that intelligence would be an important asset to her. So by the time lunch came around, Victoria had indirectly convinced every person in her class that she was a genius.

Vince was boasting more and more, his pride and ego seemly grown to an impossible size simply because he was related to her. Victoria was prepared to snatch that away from him very soon.

All she needed was the right moment. And luckily for her, MECH had ensured that every class she had was with at last one of the three Autobot humans. Including lunch.

Victoria waited until a few minutes after lunch had began before she stood up and excused herself from Vince's rowdy table.

"Bathroom." She lied before making her way to Rafael, who was sitting along by the window.

He looked up at her in surprise before glancing back at Vince.

"Um, hi Victoria." He smiled nervously.

She smiled back, making herself to appear slightly nervous as well. "May I sit?"

Rafael nodded.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Raf." He told her. "If you don't mind, can I know why you aren't sitting with your brother and his friends?"

Victoria glanced at Vince worriedly. "Well, I was, but..."

She sighed. "Back at my boarding school, when I was younger, I used to get picked on a lot. I did people's homework and had to give up my lunch money all the time."

Raf's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah." Victoria leaned forward. "And I saw Vince go up to you earlier. I haven't seen Vince in years and I just want to make sure I'm not making friends with the wrong kind of people."

Raf bit his lip. "I don't really know if I'm the best person to talk with about this. If Vince found out..."

Victoria tilted her head in worry. "What? Would he hurt you?"

Raf shook his head quickly. "No! No.... I mean, maybe?"

"My brother is a bully." Victoria stated sadly. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be." Raf smiled. "It's not your fault. I'm sure once Vince gets older and more mature, he'll grow up and do the right thing."

Victoria frowned. "How old are you?"

"Twelve... I got pushed up a few grades." He said.

"Wow, you must be super smart!" She exclaimed.

"I heard you're pretty smart too." Raf replied.

"And humble." Victoria grinned.

Raf blushed.

Someone buff leaned against their table. "Hey, Vic. I thought you were going to the bathroom."

Both kids looked up at Charles.

"I was." Victoria said. "But I changed my mind."

He looked at Raf. "So why are you doing talking to the computer Rat?"

"Rat?" Victoria glared. "We're in high school. Haven't you gotten over your childish tendencies to call people names by now?"

Charles blinked at her in surprise. "Well, I just, uh- well everyone calls him Rat. He doesn't mind it, does he?"

Charles gave Raf a pointed look and Raf slunk down a little, looking away. "Yeah, it's fine. I don't mind."

Victoria scowled. "Charles, why don't you leave us alone?"

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