Chapter 13: My Enemy's Enemy

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Red had had enough.

"What?" She finally snapped.

Miko grinned. "I win."

"I don't even know what's going on." Jack looked at Raf with a frown. "Do you?"

"I think they're having a staring contest." Raf replied slowly, also confused.

Miko glared. "No! We were having a who-is-gonna-talk-first-moment. Ms. Rainbow over there lost."

"I don't know if it's the safest idea to have moments with her." Bulkhead spoke up.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Miko asked.

"I could break free and snap your spine." Red replied lowly.

Miko bursted out laughing. "Oh please, you got beat up by Vince! You'd never beat me in a fair fight!"

"So that's what happened!" Jack stood up and pointed at Miko. "I knew it wasn't 'girl problems!'"

Miko raised an eyebrow. "You want a cookie?"

Jack sat down and huffed. "Thanks for backing me up, Raf."

The smaller boy opened his mouth, but Miko cut them off.

"So, Ms. Rainbow, why do you work for MECH?"

"Why do you go to school?"

"Fair." Miko nodded. "Except you shot me, so it's not fair. Answer the question."

Red rolled her eyes and leaned back. Miko was too annoying for her own good.

"Oh, so we're getting the silent treatment?" Miko demanded. "Guess who won that last time."

Red glared. That was unfair. She didn't even know they were having a silence contest.

Shooting Miko was unfair too... so was pretty much everything Red had done since meeting them...

Honestly, it's Fowler's fault. He should have kept better security for his top secret alien robots. And allowing random kids to join up? That was practically begging for infiltration.

Arcee walked over, sending a glare to Red before looking at the other three humans, who were crowding Red as if her chair was a cheetah zoo.

"Jack, what's going on?" The femme asked lowly.

"We're interrogating the hostage!" Miko grinned.

"How's that working out?" Arcee crossed her arms.

Miko gave Red a pointed look. "It's a work-in-progress."

Ratchet's monitor started to go off and the medic straightened himself beflre turning to the others. "I've detected an energon signal, Optimus."

"A mine?" The Prime questioned.

"Too small." Ratchet shook his head. "Looks like a lone cybertronian. In fact, the signal is incredibly close to Smokescreen's."

Smokescreen tilted his head. "I don't have any relatives."

Optimus frowned. "We will investigate this."

Ratchet nodded and opened the groundbridge as Optimus turned to look at Arcee.

"Stay here. Keep an eye on Red." Optimus instructed.

Arcee frowned. "Why can't Ratchet watch her?"

Optimus glanced at Ratchet to make sure the medic couldn't hear him before Optimus leaned closer to Arcee. "He's old."

"Yeah, okay," Arcee huffed, "she's just a human though."

Optimus turned away. "You have my orders."

Ever since Red figured out how to manually unlock her cuffs, she had been waiting for the right time to do so again. Fowler was a fool for not getting a new type after her first escape.

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