Chapter 10: Running back Home

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Optimus watched as Red left the room. It shut behind her quietly and he looked down.

Even though he had suspected something to be amiss with the girl from the very beginning, Optimus still felt betrayed.

But now that he had the necessary information, Optimus had no reason to linger. Smokescreen needed him.

Sure, the metal clamps kept his hands from moving, but he was Optimus Prime. Nobody captures Optimus Prime.

The bot's servos shifted, transforming into blasters. The clamps creaked, drawing attention. But none of the humans reacted quickly enough and they popped.

And then Optimus simply stood up.


The room launched into action, every human and bot moving around as quickly as possible. Optimus swung his arm out crushing the stairs and trapping most of the humans on the operating docks.

He knocked out the others gently and transformed, barreling through the doors and out into the hallway. Guards outside opened fire, but their bullets could do nothing to stop a full-sized Cybertronian Prime on his way to save his kid- Autobot.

Optimus barged into another room that had doors similar to his. By now, the entire complex was flashing with red lights and blaring sirens. Smokescreen was trapped on a table, but expecting Optimus to come to his rookie's rescue, a group of soldiers were waiting.

Optimus transformed again, activating his blasters

"Put your hands up!" The agents yelled.

Optimus paused, looking at their cannons, which would no doubt stop him just as they had during the attack on the Autobot base. He put his arms up.

And blasted the ceiling.

Concrete tumbled down and Optimus lunged to the side, stepping over to Smokescreen. Before he could get there, one of the soldiers who had evaded the falling debris managed to shoot him. Electricity coursed through Optimus's body and he stumbled.

This time, Optimus knew better and he pulled the metal device off of himself, throwing it back at the soldier. It crashed into him and knocked the soldier unconscious.

Optimus grabbed the clamps around Smokescreen's wrists and yanked them off before releasing his leg.

Smokescreen moaned, feeling weak from the energon loss and his previous wounds. Optimus grabbed Smokescreen's arm and helped him up.

"How are you?" Optimus asked him in concern.

"I'll manage." Smokescreen replied, looking around. "Where is Victoria?"

"She is working with our enemies." Optimus informed him lowly. "But we will see her again."

"Working with- You mean she's the one that did all of this?" Smokescreen asked, shocked.

Optimus nodded.

"Smokescreen, roll out."


Red watched emotionlessly as Silas went on a rampage, punching the doctor who had oversaw the construction of Optimus's containment.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE WAS A MALFUNCTION!?" Silas demanded, throwing the beaten doctor against the wall roughly. "DO YOU REALIZE THAT WE JUST LOST EVERYTHING!?"

The doctor was too dazed to reply.

Silas threw him to the ground, his furious gaze landing on the soldier nex to him.

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