Chapter 15: Hypnosis

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"Optimus!" Ratchet turned around. "I've detected an Iacon locator beacon."

Optimus's eyes narrowed and he stepped away from the database. At the sound of Ratchet's words, the other Autobots were beginning to form around him.

"Where is Smokescreen?" Optimus questioned.

"Out training again with Jack." Arcee replied bitterly.

Optimus frowned. "We cannot afford to wait. Autobots, roll out."

Ratchet opened the groundbridge and all of them drove through.

Red tilted her head.

It would be so easy to escape right now.

She remained seated, mentally telling herself that MECH needed to gather information about the Autobots since all they got from her previous assignment was energon.

The reason felt more like an assurance than anything else.

Red scowled and sat down, propping her head up on her hand.

Then a thought came to mind. What if Silas had utilized her intel about the search for relics and he had somehow managed to lure the Autobots out? She didn't even try to escape.

Barely even considered the option.

Ratchet activated the comms. "Optimus, I've detected a second locator beacon."

There was a moment of silence.

"Optimus? Bulkhead? Arcee? Bumblebee? Can anyone hear me?"

Red immediately grew aware of how loud her heartbeat sounded as it pounded around her chest. The girl dismissed it as excitement. Maybe the Autobots were dead and she didn't have to worry about them anymore.

The explanation was even more of a lie.

She really was being brainwashed.

Red looked to the side as Smokescreen sped inside with Jack again, their laughter was cut off as Ratchet tried to contact the Autobots.

"What happened?" Smokescreen asked, walking forward.

"Ratchet found a second beacon!" Red blurted, surprising both herself and the others.

Ratchet nodded slowly. "Yes, and the others won't answer their comms."

"I'll go, then." Smokescreen decided, stepping toward the groundbridge.

"Alone?" Ratchet demanded incredulously.

"You have a better idea?" Smokescreen asked.

Ratchet frowned and turned around. "Fine."

He activated the groundbridge and Red was paying close attention to how he did it. Her attention was drawn away however when she saw Jack walk into the bridge.

It shut behind them.

She stared at the empty space for a moment, her brain taking a moment to comprehend the situation. Then she looked at Ratchet.

"You realize Jack went with him, right?"

"Yes, yes." Ratchet waved her off.

Then he froze.


The medic activated Smokescreen's commm. "Bring Jack back immediately."


"No, bring Jack- the Star Saber!? Wait, hold on, if-"

Ratchet stopped talking and activated the groundbridge. He sent Red a glance, wondering if the girl would run off. Then he shrugged and went.

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