Chapter 20: Old Acquaintances

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"Back to this again?" Optimus asked, stepping into the base early in the morning.

Red paused slightly and turned to look at him from where she was hanging over the side of the railing doing sit-ups.

"To what do you refer?"

"Not sleeping." Optimus stated.

Red rolled her eyes and continued the workout. "I already slept. You can ask Ratchet, he was still out here when I went out."

"Oh." Optimus tilted his head. "Well, that is good to hear."

"I decided I needed rest if I was going to help you again." Red told him.

"I'm not sure that particular situation will be necessary again for some time." Optimus frowned.

Red hummed in disagreement.

Optimus looked around before looking back at Red. She seemed rather chipper, so he nodded to himself and returned to the monitors, where the Iacon database was waiting for him.

It wasn't long before Ratchet came out, followed by the other Autobots, who went to pick up their charges. Smokescreen went over to Red and grinned.

"So, now that you're not trying to kill us... Do you want to go on a ride? This time preferably without me getting ambushed?" Smokescreen asked hopefully.

Optimus looked over at that. "Smokescreen, I don't believe that is a good idea."

"Why not? Red was my charge before she was working with MECH and now she's not working with MECH anymore. We have to get to know each other." Smokescreen reasoned.

"Yes, but-"

"I think it's a great idea." Ratchet spoke up. "Tell the others to take their charges out too. Optimus and I have work to do. You lot are distracting."

Optimus frowned, but gave Smokescreen a nod.

"Yes!" The elite guard soldier cheered and reached over to grab Red.

"Ah, no." She held out her hand. "I'll carry myself."

"Okay then." Smokescreen flashed Ratchet and Optimus an excited look and transformed, opening his driver door for the girl.

Red glared at Optimus before sliding down the ladder and stepping into Smokescreen's alternative mode. They drove out quickly.

Ratchet turned to Optimus and gave him a disapproving frown. Optimus made eye contact with the medic and scowled before turning back to the Iacon database.

"Tell me you're not really serious."

"About what?" Optimus asked.

Ratchet crossed his arms. "You can't fool me, Prime. I know you. You're jealous."

Optimus paused. "That is incorrect."

"What is up with you and Red? Why do you trust her so much? She almost got all of us killed!" Ratchet exclaimed.

Optimus didn't reply for a moment, but he stopped typing to acknowledge the questions. Then he turned to look at Ratchet.

"I just have a feeling that she's not-"

"Ugh!" Ratchet threw his hands in the air and turned around in frustration. "This is about Megatron isn't it!?"

"No." Optimus frowned. "Maybe."

Ratchet gave him the stink eye.

Optimus sat down. "I just, I see him in her and I want to help her before she goes down the same path he did."

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