Chapter 17: Another Chance

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Fowler paced inside the Autobot base, where every Autobots' eyes were glued to Ratchet's monitor. The bug on Red had been still for the last two hours.

She was at the Raider mansion, which didn't entirely surprise Fowler. It made since that MECH would be watching Silas's other brat.

It was almost time to go pick up the kids from school, which meant they'd have to go after Red before Vince got home from school.

Arcee stood up. "Five minutes until dismissal."

Optimus frowned, but stood up. "She's not moving."

Fowler nodded and went into his office, opening the metal safe in the corner. It wasn't harmed much in the fire, considering it wasn't flammable.

He pulled out a tranquilizer gun and attached it to his waist. He already knew that hand-to-hand combat was out of the question. She'd already proved to be faster and more agile than him multiple times. Brute strength would get him nowhere.

Optimus narrowed his eyes at the weapon and the Autobots transformed. Fowler stepped into Optimus's alternative mode.

They'd already gone over the plan. Arcee and Bulkhead would pick up their charges as usual. Smokescreen would follow Vince and ensure he didn't get home until the all clear was given. Bumblebee was to pick up Raf and ask for him to hack into the traffic lights to delay Vince.

And meanwhile, the hard work would be left to Fowler.

He had to get Red.

By the time Optimus and Fowler arrived at the house, everyone else was in position. Fowler stepped out, his eyes sweeping over the building and detecting nothing amiss.

"Good luck." Optimus told him gravely.

They both knew Red was more than Fowler could handle, but they didn't have any other choice.

Fowler walked into the house, not surprised to find the door unlocked. Just like back in the old days, Fowler raised his weapon and aimed it forward as he surveyed the area.

The scent of moldy food was overwhelming and Fowler resisted the urge to gag as he walked throughout the bottom floor. Nothing seemed out of place.

Fowler took to the steps and his eyes narrowed. If Red knew he was here, this was the best place for her to ambush him. All she had to do was push something large down the stairs and he'd be hit.

Nothing came.

Once he reached the top, Fowler paused.

The metallic smell of blood was faint, but very much present.

Maybe Red had already got to Vince. What if the boy hadn't even gone to school or he left early?

Fowler followed the smell and stopped in front of a bedroom door, which had a hole in the center and was ripped from it's hinges. Beyond the door was chaos.

The entire room looked as if a hurricane had gone through it, and not in the usual way a teenager's room looks. Everything was broken and strewn around.

Next to the bed, three men were gagged and tied up, their wrists connected to the frame. Black eyes and broken limbs, but nothing fatal.

Why would Red attack her own agents?

Finally, Fowler found her.

Sitting on the ledge of the broken window, Red gazed into the backyard with an empty expression. Fowler pointed his tranquilizer at her and prepared to shoot, but paused.

If he knocked her out there, she could fall off the building.

"Put your hands up and step away from the ledge." Fowler ordered.

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