Chapter 22: Short Reprieve

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Optimus paced around the base, scowling.

"He's so mad." Miko whispered to Jack loudly. "We are so screwed."

Ratchet rubbed his temples in frustration. "She's injured, Optimus, I doubt she got far."

"Even then, what was she thinking? MECH is trying to kill her. She doesn't stand a chance on her own." Optimus growled.

"I'm sure she's fine." Arcee spoke up. "Red is smart, she probably just disappeared and now that June found the tracker on her, MECH has limited means of locating her."

Optimus glared at the two-wheeler. "Speaking of which, hand over the holoform device."

Arcee blinked. "What?"

"The children told me what happened. You used the holoform relic to help them, but that means that you deceived me from the very beginning. Why did you take it in the first place?" Optimus demanded.

Arcee pulled it out and sighed, looking down in shame. "I was worried Red would hurt them, so I brought it along just in case."

"It did help." Smokescreen pointed out. "No harm done."

Optimus took the device and put it in his own subspace. He looked at Arcee with disappointment, which was by far the worst punishment ever. Nobody wants Optimus Prime to look at them like that.

"Hey, why don't you all take the kids on a ride?" Ratchet suggested. "Smokescreen go with them."


"No buts." Ratchet ushered them out. "The children could use a break. They just escaped death."

Once they were gone, Ratchet turned back to Optimus.

"You're really losing it."

Optimus sat down and rubbed his face tiredly. "You're right. It always has been about Megatron."

Ratchet sighed and sat next to his friend. "I'm sorry, Optimus."

"It's not your fault. I was a fool for thinking I could change anyone." Optimus said lowly.

"That's not true, we both know you've changed the lives of billions of bots. Even Red. Even Megatron. Maybe it wasn't enough, but it was something." Ratchet assured him. "And we will find her."

Optimus leaned back and frowned. "But will it matter?"


Red sighed in content, stepping out of the steamy hotel bathroom with a sigh. For the first time in quite a while, Red was wearing sweatpants and a loose, long sleeve shirt.

Careful to avoid her numerous injuries, Red laid down on the bed and breathed in the scent of cleanliness.

It had been a very, very long time since she had the opportunity to do this. Relax completely.

Of course, multiple weaons were hidden around the room and there was a bomb next to the door and window, but Red could easily ignore the fact that she might blow up.

Even though MECH was certainly still after her, Red was sure she could easily evade them. Getting off-grid was probably one of the easiest tasks she'd ever had. Even better, now that she had no allegiances, there was nothing for her to do or worry about.

For once in her life, Red was absolutely free. No MECH, no Silas, no mission, no school, no Autobots, and no Optimus Prime.

It was a strange feeling. To be free of everything after having such a determined drive for so long. The Autobots had introduced her to it, but not completely.

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