Chapter 24: Prisoners of War

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The door to her cage began to open and Red let out a low growl as two familiar faces walked into her cell.

"Walt. How nice of you to drop by." Red sneered with disdain. "So you're the brown-noser who Silas declared as his emergency replacement."

"You know, Red, if you'd been nicer, I would have picked you as his replacement." Walt stated. "But lucky, there's someone else out there with bloodlust and Bishop DNA."

Red looked at Vince. "You're a fool. They'll turn their back on you the moment it suits them."

Vince crossed his arms, looking at Red hatefully. "Like you turned your back on my mother?"

"I didn't kill her."

"No, but you signed her death warrant the moment you stepped into our house! This is your fault!" Vince stepped forward angrily, raising his fist.

Red waited until the last moment before turning her head and letting his fist slam into the wall. She reached back and clamped down on his forearm with her mouth. Vince screamed and pulled back as his skin tore and ripped, blood gushing down his arm.

Red's chin dripped blood, making her look like more of a monster than she already was. The chains on her ankles and wrists jangled as she stood up.

Walt sighed in exasperation. "Go to the medic. Come back when you're done."

Red watched as Vince left the room before glaring at Walt.

He sighed. "Was that really necessary?"

"Just getting my revenge." Red spat out some blood.

"I can make your death short." He offered. "Vince is thirsty to see your blood spill, but I could care less. Tell me the codes for Project Damocles and I'll slip a fast-acting poison into your water. It's the most mercy I can spare you."

"You could let me go." Red suggested.

He shook his head. "We still need your brother."

"You need his DNA." Red corrected. "Project Damocles can function just fine with mine."

"You're a liability. You're allegiances have changed. We need someone who needs us." Walter told her. "If we let you go, we're the ones who would be paying the price."

"Only because you betrayed me."

Walt rolled his eyes. "Silas couldn't see it. He was always blind when it came to you, but I know you were losing your loyalty. It almost looked like you were relieved when the robots escaped."

Red scoffed.

"Tell me I'm wrong."

Red narrowed her eyes. "You're right, now. But before I found that file in Vince's room? I was coming back. I was going to give my life for this cause. You ruined that."

"I wasn't taking the chance either way." Walt said. "But none of that matters. What we do with Vince is none of your concern. You should be worried about what Vince will do to you."

"You think, after all these years, that torture will break me?" Red rose an eyebrow. "You're more foolish than I thought."

The door opened and Walt's eyes narrowed. "Last chance."

Red looked at Vince and smirked. "What? You didn't do a good enough job last time?"

"It's not good enough until you're dead." The boy snarled.


Raf cried out softly when he ran into another wall as he was being swiftly jerked through the MECH compound. The hallway they were walking down seemed new, but it reeked of blood and urine.

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