Chapter 14: Establishment

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With Optimus's new orders to not restrain Red, Fowler was even more on edge. Him and Red had spent yet another night staring at each other in silence.

Red was also on edge, but for another reason entirely. All night, at any point, she could have attacked Fowler and she was confident that it was a battle she would win.

But she didn't.

Red simply remained seated, mirroring the government agent's posture and watching him with her sharp green eyes.

June Darby was the first to put her guard down, but Miko never had her guard up in the first place. Most of the Autobots came out of the back hall at around the same time, other than Ratchet, who rose early with Optimus.

Miko slept in the latest, both because she was a teenager and because she still had a bullet wound healing in her leg.

June came walking into the base, her nurse uniform already equipped as she carried a first-aid kit up the stairs. Fowler looked away from Red, his tired eyes looking the woman up and down.

"What are you doing here June? Your shift isn't over until 6." Fowler asked, standing up.

June shook the case gently. "I can't stop thinking about her."

Red lifted an eyebrow in surprise as the nurse walked closer.

"Wait, hold up." Fowler held out his hand. "She isn't restrained anymore."

"I know." June scowled. "And if Optimus trusts her enough to be around my son, then I trust that she won't attack me either."

June looked at Red and pointed to her face. "All of you have been ignoring it, but the girl has been beaten twice in the past two weeks. She got smacked in the head with a gun."

Fowler looked at June like she was crazy. "So what are you trying to do?"

"I'm giving her a checkup and bandaging her wound."

The entire situation was absurd and Red couldn't help but laugh. For what reason, she wasn't sure, but the two adults and the Autobots all looked over at her like she'd grown a third head.

June got over it quickly and glared at Fowler. "Look, now she's delirious."

Fowler opened his mouth but June put up her hand in a mom-like way, shutting him up. She walked over to Red and set the medical case on the ground.

"How do you feel?"

Red looked at the woman with a raised eyebrow. "Like I work for MECH."

June scowled. "If you go back to MECH, I swear, I will hunt you down."

Red looked at Fowler and the agent only sighed and put his head in his hands in embarrassment.

"Alright, answer my question. How do you feel?" The nurse questioned.

Red just stared. Even though she felt no pain, Red felt it was beneath her to submit to such a patronizing examination. At MECH, you either fixed yourself or were taken to the med bay, where they fixed you up and sent you on your way with a pain pill.

No questions asked.

This whole nurse thing was belittling.

"Alright, fine. You want to play it that way, let's play it that way." June looked down.

By now, everyone in the base was watching them with either interest in Red's reaction or worry for June's safety.

The nurse reached down and pulled out an alcohol wipe, she moved upward to clean away the small amount of blood on Red's temple.

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