Bonus Chapters: Alternative Chapter 23+

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I wrote a different story for Chapter 23 originally, but it lacked plot, so I completely changed it. Here ya go. This begins before she leaves the hotel.

As far as anyone could tell, Red looked the same as she had before meeting the Autobots. But Red wasn't just anyone. She could see how much brighter her eyes were, the dulled sharpness of her gaze, and the small smile lines at the edges of her mouth.

She was completely different and Red couldn't bring herself to believe that it was a bad thing.

It felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders.

She owed them for that.

A scream suddenly split the air and Red quickly stood up.

How on Earth did MECH manage to find her?

Red quickly moved around the room and grabbed her weapons, equipping them and heading for the bathroom. She hunkered down in the tub and waited.

A few moments later, the glass of her window burst open, followed by the triggering of her bomb and the room shook with the explosion. Red deactivated the other bomb and put the remote in her pocket.

Then she charged out of the bathroom, shooting her gun at the-

At a metal tentacle?

Red blinked away her puzzlement and shot again, but the bullets pinged off of it. She took a step back and frowned. It was quite large.

Red turned around and ran out the door, moving down the hallways where the large tentacle couldn't find her.

Red scowled. Day two of freedom and something weird was already trying to kill her. She was off to such a great start.

Why can't her plans ever go right?

Red stopped running and looked around again. Why wasn't there more screaming? Part of the hotel blew up and there was a tentacle in the building. Over a hundred people were here, why couldn't she hear their panic?

This time the ex-MECH agent moved forward slowly, one hand on her gun and the other... in a cast. Still broken.

Red reached one of the employee exits and hesitated.

Something was terribly wrong.

Still cautious, Red grabbed the handle and pushed. Sunlight streamed into the hallway and Red stepped out, her eyes adjusting to the bright morning light for a moment before seeing the scene ahead of her.

"Interesting." Megatron knelt down. "It seems you and I only meet on fields of death."

Red's eyes flickered across the ground, which was littered with seemly unharmed, but definitely unconscious bodies. Some of them had been stepped on by the high-heeled, silver titan behind Megatron. Another stood next to him, a visor over his face.

Red looked back at Megatron and snarled. "What do you want?"

"Absolutely nothing." He smirked. "Just a reminder to our dear friend Optimus Prime and your fellow comrades."

His arm snapped outward at lightning speed and snatched Red up. "A reminder that I do not take embarrassment well."

"What are you talking about?" Red demanded, glaring into his glowing red eyes with annoyance.

"Your little trap with the vehicon body." Megatron sneered. "You cannot expect to take me down and not suffer retribution."

Red stared at him for a moment before laughing. "Then you won't get what you want here. I don't work for MECH anymore."

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