Chapter 21: Lost Her Touch

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Red stood up immediately and whirled around, throwing her pocket knife directly at the boy at the counter.

Timothy jumped forward and grabbed Vince, pulling him to the side before it could hit his neck.

"RED!" The three other kids yelled, their eyes going wide.

Through the window, Arcee and Smokescreen were parked side by side, but facing away from K.O. Burger as they had a small conversation. Neither of them noticed a thing.

"Red, what are you doing?" Jack demanded, standing up and grabbing her arm.

"Back off, Darby." Vince came walking over confidently. "This is between me and my sister."

"You don't stand a chance against her, Vince." Jack pulled Red behind him. "Leave while you have the chance."

Miko glared at Red. "You idiot."

Red looked back at Vince, her vision doubling and limbs becoming weak. Poison. Her gaze moved past him toward the counter, where Timothy was pulling on a mask.


They were still using Vince.

"I beg to differ." Vince said to Jack as he looked at Red.

She snarled. "You have no idea what you're getting into."

"Not really." Vince admitted. "But they got me this far, haven't they?"

"What are you talking about?" Jack demanded.

Red scowled. "MECH recruited him."

Vince grinned viciously. "Let's see if they taught me enough to beat you."

As if on cue, Red's knee buckled and she barely caught herself on the top of the booth.

"What's wrong?" Miko asked.

"Just some bad french fries." Vince smirked.

Miko growled and picked up the tray of french fries, throwing them at Vince. He reached out and pushed it away, but some of them slid off and landed on him. Jack used the distraction to lung forward.

His fist slammed into Vince's face and the red-head was knocked back, letting out a pained cry. Vince snarled and then charged Jack.

Raf climbed out of the booth as the two older teenagers attacked Vince and he went to Red, who was kneeling by the table and breathing heavily as she watched the fight.

"Come on." He grabbed her elbow and pulled. "We can get to Smokescreen and Arcee."

Vince slammed Jack into the front counter and Jack fell over groaning, completely dazed. Timothy moved forward and grabbed Miko, pinning her to the wall.

Raf looked at them in panic.

"Go." Red ordered, grabbing the booth and pulling herself up.

"What about you?" Raf whispered, taking a step back in terror.

"I'll be fine." Red smiled at him to convince the boy and he nodded, running for the door.

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