Chapter 16: Unchecked Rage

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Red slept the entire day.

Usually, the girl was a light sleeper, accustomed to the  drills MECH training had instilled into her. Sometimes they'd snap in the middle of the night and she'd have to wake up and immediately attack.

This time was a little different.

She found herself laying in Fowler's office on a couch that smell of spilled coffee. The room was silent and the walls were soundproof.

She glanced around, scanning the area for cameras before her eyes settled on the desk. It was no doubt covered in classified information, including things Fowler had learned about the Autobots.

Things MECH would want.

Red scowled and stood up. There was no way she could sneak them out unnoticed, especially if she didn't know when she'd be escaping.

Instead, Red looked around until she found a lighter in the drawers. The girl grabbed the papers and sifted through them. Her eyes flickered across the information, not much of it was new.

She then set it down and lit it on fire.

Red swung open the door, her dramatic exit immediately attracting attention. Red looked at Optimus, her MECH stance and facade fully equipped as she leveled her piercing gaze on him.

Red stopped at the rail and Optimus regarded her emotionlessly, waiting for the girl's reaction.

"Don't ever do that again."

The Prime slumped ever so slightly, hoping she wouldn't have seen it as something bad.

Well, Red was furious.

He purposefully put her to sleep. Red's guard had been completely down for hours without her permission. She had no idea if they did something or what had happened while she was sleeping.

Optimus opened his mouth to say something, but the fire alarm cut him off and Fowler shot up off of his chair.

"What did you do!?" He shouted, running toward his office.

It was far too late to salvage anything now.

Red gave Optimus one final look and then turned away, returning to her seat with an air of defiance.

Fowler ran back out and grabbed the fire extinguisher before charging into his office to put out the flames.

A few minutes later, he came back out with a look of fury, his jacket removed and ashes on his hands and arms. The man was unharmed, but he was not happy.

Fowler marched up to Red and stopped in front of her. The girl looked up at him calmly and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" He demanded. "What could have possibly made you burn down my office?"

Red stood up and narrowed her eyes, her tone low and threatening. "You forget that I am not your friend. I am not here to help you or learn from you. I work for MECH. I am your enemy. You would do well to remember that."

"Then maybe we should treat you like the enemy." Fowler glared. "Would you like to be put in handcuffs and taken to a secret facility and be interrogated?"

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