Chapter 7: The Prime Lecture

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Victoria found herself waking up in a particularly fowl mood.

Day four. She told herself. Only a few more days until I can escape this hellhole.

This had seemed like such a simple operation at first. All she had to do was con a few children and naive alien lifeforms. Agent Fowler should have been the only real problem and yet, it seemed now that wherever she turned, Optimus was watching her.

Without a doubt, if Victoria could have redone this whole operation, it would be Optimus she'd have wanted MECH to knock out of commission instead of Smokescreen.

The Prime was too observant for his own good.

Victoria sat up and slid off the top of the school building, landing lithely on the ground. She walked up to the tree that Raf always stuck around at and sat down.

Not long later, more students began to show up and Raf came running over. Jack and Miko weren't far behind.

Raf started talking and Victoria nodded along, replying to him with small, simple answers. Her eyes were glued to Jack, who was whispering something to Miko.

Optimus had brought Jack outside of the base yesterday and ever since he came back, Jack had been glancing at her more. Acting more nervous.

There was absolutely no doubt in Victoria's mind that Optimus knew something was up and he let Jack in on the secret. She was going to have to pull something big if she wanted to overturn whatever truths he'd uncovered.

Victoria passed by a group of kids in black and she suddenly froze, her eyes landing on Vince. The usually overconfident teenager had had a rough couple of days, but nothing to warrant this.

His eyes were red, his hair was messy, and his friends stood around him almost protectively, each of them wearing all black.


Vince was mourning.

A terrible suspicion came to mind and Victoria's eyes widened ever so slightly.

"Victoria?" Raf tugged on her sleeve gently. "Is something wrong?"

She turned back to him quickly and smiled tightly. "No. Nothing at all."

Raf nodded and kept walking. Victoria sent Vince one last glance and the boy caught her gaze. Their eyes locked for two long seconds before Victoria tore herself away and continued down the hall.

Scrap. Scrap. Scrap. Scrap. Scrap.

Victoria was in high alert as she followed Raf toward their first class. Every whisper in the hall seemed a little louder and Victoria was internally panicking.

The Autobots thought that she was staying with her mother and Vince. If Vince was in this kind of mourning, someone really close to him must have died.

And logically, the girl who lived with him should know who it was.

The worst part was that Vince seemed like the kind of guy who made short-term friends at school. He probably wouldn't care much if one of them died.

But on the other hand, if his mother died...

Victoria knew that Silas had set someone to watch the house in case the Autobots or their allies tried to speak with her. Silas and Victoria were fully aware that Ms. Raider absolutely hated MECH's guts.

The only reason they never killed her was because she was Silas's old lover. He had a weak link, but he refused to terminate her unless necessary.

If the Autobots went sniffing around though, the MECH agent had orders to kill her immediately.

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