Chapter 6: Detective Optimus Prime

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Day Three.

Fowler stepped into the Autobots base mid-day, seeing only the Autobots, but that was logical, considering the children were at school.

Optimus looked over at the government liason and stepped forward.

"Agent Fowler, what brings you to the base today?" He questioned.

"Remember that day you all found Vic?" He asked. "Have you checked that area again for the signal?"

Ratchet glanced over. "It's gone. Disappeared almost immediately after the Decepticons left. Whatever they were hiding out there, they took it back with them."

"Or they had a shield." Fowler suggested. "And they managed to cloak it back up during the fight."

"Perhaps." Optimus nodded. "We will look into it."

Fowler nodded.

"On the other hand, Agent Fowler, I would like to request your assistance." Optimus told him.

"With what?"

Optimus frowned. "The circumstances upon which Victoria found us were... questionable. I would appreciate it if you would speak to her mother."

Fowler raised an eyebrow. "Why so? You didn't want to investigate the other three kids when they bumbed into Arcee and Bumblebee."

"Yes." Optimus agreed slowly. "I have a feeling this time."

"We're making strategic decisions in the middle of an intergalactic war based off of your feelings?" Fowler frowned.

"It's Optimus Prime." Arcee rolled her eyes. "His feelings are what keeps the Autobots on the side of the angels."

Arcee looked away and mumbled something under her breath. "Because I would have beat up a lot more bots otherwise."

Agent Fowler sighed. "Alright, I'll check on her. Since you're so determined to get it done, mind accompanying me, Optimus? We have things to talk about."

Optimus nodded and transformed, opening his door for the man.

The ride through Jasper was much faster, now that all the minors in the entire town were all trapped inside the school building. The house were Victoria's mother lived was a picture of Jasper wealth, almost making the dry, tan ground seem like it was appreciated.

"Here's my stop." Fowler huffed, stepping out and moving closer.

Optimus frowned, wishing he could follow the agent inside, but alas, he was both an alien and far too large.

Fowler on the other hand, wished he could go back to the base and get as far away from that crazy woman as possible. She'd kind of scared him when he'd mentioned Victoria the first time.

Hesitantly, he knocked on the front door.

There was a long wait before the door swung open suddenly and the woman stepped out, pointing a shotgun at Fowler's head. His eyes widened like saucers and he immediately put his hands up, taking a step back.

"Woah, Ms. Raider!" He exclaimed. "I'm not here to do anything!"

"I told you people to leave me alone!" She yelled. "Get off my property and get out of my town! I don't want anything to do with you!"

Fowler laughed nervously. "Why don't we just sit down, put the weapons away, and have a nice, civilized talk about this?"

The woman stepped closer, forcing Agent Fowler to step down the stairs and closer to Optimus. Her face was a picture of fury and anger.

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