Chapter 3: Change of Plans

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Victoria pressed herself against the passenger door of Optimus Prime's alternative mode as he drove at his top speed. She made herself appear small, intimidated, and scared.

The alien truck began to drive off of the road and Victoria's eyes widened. She gasped as he prepared to drive straight toward a wall, but then it opened and they went into a short tunnel.

And she had found the Autobot base.

Optimus stopped in the center of the room and every bot and human looked over. A woman, Jack's mom, ran over as Optimus wiggled his door.

Victoria yelped, backing away from it. Once she was no longer leaning on it, Optimus opened the door and the a woman approached.

"Please exit the vehicle." Nurse Darby told her, her voice light.

Victoria paused before quickly climbing out. Almost immediately, the woman began to check over her injuries.

Optimus drove away, toward Ratchet before transforming. Now that the giant semitruck was no longer in their way, the three humans could clearly see their new visitor.

"Victoria!?" All of them exclaimed.

June glanced at the redheaded girl in surprise. "You're the new girl Jack told me about?"

"Bro, welcome to the Autobots!" Miko exclaimed.

Victoria took a step back. "Hold on, what is going on? Is nobody going to explain the giant robots!?"

Optimus stepped forward and kneeled. "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, also known as Autobots."

"Isn't that the same thing he said to us?" Miko asked Bulkhead quietly.

"It's his signature speech. There's also one about sentient beings and having faith in ourselves." He replied.

Victoria looked around. "So you're all... aliens?"

"Yes." Ratchet told her. "And before you ask, no, no one built us."

Victoria's eyes landed on Raf and the others "How do you guys know about them?"

"They saved our lives." Jack answered. "And now they're trying to protect the planet from Decepticons."


"Those are the bad guys that attacked you earlier." Smokescreen said.

"I specifically remember you attacking me first." Victoria pointed out.

Optimus scowled. "That was our mistake. Your car looked exactly like the alternative mode of Knockout. We were also investigating a Decepticon signal."

"Wait, if you guys got there first, then where did the signal come from?" Bumblebee asked.

"I do not know." Optimus replied.

"It couldn't have just been a coincidence." Arcee stated, looking at Victoria.

Miko scoffed. "What, you think there's two Knockouts?"

Victoria felt her pocket vibrate softly and she looked around. "I have to go."

"What?" Nurse Darby crossed her arms. "I need to examine you. You were just in a serious crash."

"No, I'm okay, really." Victoria assured her. "My Dad is a doctor."

"I thought Vince's dad was... dead." Jack said slowly.

"Well, he is." Victoria nodded. "But my stepdad has custody of me. We were only here so I could visit Vince, but clearly my brother isn't as great as I thought he'd be."

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